Newton's Laws of Motion

out of newtons three laws, what law would go with kicking a soccer ball?

*clue ball moves b/c action force is larger than reaction force 

newton's third law 


what is net force?

net force is sum of forces acting an object.


gravity is the attraction between any two objects in the universe. so, what does it increases as ?

-increases as..

mass increases , distance increases 


what type of force is unbalanced and is NOT opposite and equal ?

*clue: velocity changes (object accelerates)

 net force 


If mass does not depend on gravity then what does? 


newton's first law of motion is also described as law of _____. 

*clue: tendency



if net force is zero, what happens to the motion of the object?

*clue: if the force is not zero it will accelerate. 

it will NOT change


whats that vocabulary ?!!

- maximum velocity reached by a falling object

*clue: f grav. = f air 

terminal velocity


what equals changes in motion?

*clue:not all action and reaction forces produce motion

unbalanced forces


you would weigh more in Jupiter than earth because it has greater gravity and weight. But, what might be greater also?

*clue: weight=___ x surface gravity


what law describes the acceleration of an object that is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. 

*clue: f=ma

newton's second law of motion


what are frictions main types? (must name them all specifically)

*clue: there are 4 

Static , Sliding, Rolling , and Fluid


when gravity is the only force acting on an object, what is it considered?

*clue: downward

free fall


fill in the blanks. 

_______ ______ the motion of a falling object after it is given an initial forward velocity.

*clue: this is a curved path

projectile motion


whats the vocabulary??!!!

_____ ___ __________ _________ if not net forces acts on a system, then the total momentum of the system does not change

*clue: momentum for any object at rest is zero

law of conservation of momentum


if ms. cosby is leaning against a wall , what would be the reaction force?

the wall pushing against ms. cosby


true or false.

the action force and the reaction force occur to different objects so the force is balanced. 

false, the force would not be balanced.


true or false.

in the absence of air resistance, all falling objects have different acceleration. 

*clue: accel. due to gravity (g)



true or false. 

The combination of an initial forward velocity and the downward vertical force of gravity causes the ball to follow a straight path .

false, it follows a curved path. 


fill in the blanks. 

______ is the  product of an object’s mass and its velocity, an object with large __________ is hard to stop.

*clue: same word fill in both blanks



which statement BEST gives a good explanation of Newton's third law of motion?

a.) a quarterback is exerting a force on the football which accelerates the ball from zero velocity.

b.) a soccer ball is resting non-moving on the ground, it will stay like that until someone kicks it or another force acts upon it.

c.)  a tennis player hits a ball the racket exerts a force on the ball and the ball exerts an equal and opposite force on the racket

d.) a flyer exerts the same amount of force on the bases hands in the opposite direction.

e.) all of above 

f.) both d & c 

g.) a & b



no net force means no acceleration and is still falling. but, what else happens when the object travels the same distance every second?

*clue: I'm not looking for one word, be SPECIFIC!

it remains to have a constant velocity. 


ha! YOU'VE BEEN FOOLED! here is a brain buster bonus question. prepare to be amazed..

what is the missing word (s) from this qoute?

"if i have seen far , it is because i have stood on the ______ of _______. - Sir Issac Newton

shoulders , giants


friction is the force that opposes motion between 2 surfaces. What are these two surfaces?

a.) speed & distance 

b.) type & force 

c.) mass & height 

d.) force & time

f.) none of above

the correct answer is b. 


chose the BEST answer. 

how is mass different from weight? 

a.) weight is measured in newtons while mass is not.

b.) its not different at all. mass and weight stay the same throughout gravitational forces of the object

c.) mass is a measurement of the amount of matter something contains, while Weight is the measurement of the pull of gravity on an object. 

d.) mass is a measure of the amount of matter in a object, while weight is just how heavy a person is. 

