What is her favorite color?
What is his favorite NFL team?
Indianapolis Colts
A Whole New World
What day of the week is the most popular day for weddings in the US?
In this plastic world, this couple is probably the most famous (even though they don't exist.)
Barbie & Ken
December 20
Where did he graduate college?
Ivy Tech Community College
Can You Feel The Love Tonight
The Lion King
Traditionally, brides wear something old, something new, something borrowed, something....
These loveable rodents have been playful, musical and flirtatious with each other for years. You can still find them in their home town of Orlando, Florida
Mickey and Minnie Mouse
What was her first car?
Hyundai Sonata
What sport did he play in high school?
Love Is An Open Door
What is the traditional color of a Chinese Wedding Dress?
By candlelit dinner, this cartoon canine couple fell in love over a plate of spaghetti.
Lady and the Tramp
What college did she graduate from most recently?
God's Bible School (GBS)
What was his college degree in?
Kiss The Girl
The Little Mermaid
What is the most popular flower for weddings?
What are the names of the main couple in the movie
"It's A Wonderful Life".
George and Mary Bailey
What was her first job?
What was his first job?
If I Never Knew You
Why does a wedding traditionally take place on the half hour?
an old superstition that starting a ceremony on the "upswing" of the clock, meaning when the minute hand is moving upwards, brings good luck to the couple
Name the 42nd president of the United States and his wife