average gas price per gallon in 2020 vs now
(Closest wins)
2020: $2.19
Now: $3.01
Pac-Man's original name was Puck-Man. Why was it changed before release?
to prevent people from turning the "P" to an "F"
Who is James's second favorite character...?
What was Robert Downey Jr. addicted to
Cocaine, Heroine, and Alcohol
Name the car salesman and kingpin of our GTAV roleplays
Steve Chen
McDonald's Double Quarter Pounder meal price
price it in 2019 and now
(Closest wins)
2019: $4.49
Now: $11.99
What game had the most players playing at once
What is Abram's favorite Manga?
Who was the first celebrity to grant 500 make-a-wish visits
John Cena
What was club sandwich rebranded to
Club Nightowl
Netflix price point in 2012 vs now
(Closest Wins)
2012: $7.99 unlimited streams
Now: $15.49 for 2 streams and no ads
What video game's hit marker noise is a beer bottle being opened in reverse?
What is Owens Favorite Manga
Land of the Lustrous
What is Jennifer Lawrence's biggest fear
Birds (Pigeons)
(except Jacob and Caden)
Abram - Black
Austin - White
Rag - Orange
Danny - Pink / Red
Truck cost in 2017 vs now
(Closest Wins)
2017: $34,000
Now: $48,000
What 1993 first person shooter popularized online multiplayer
What is Rally's favorite anime
Fate stay/night: Unlimited
How many pounds did Chris Pratt lose between Parks and Rec, and Guardians of the Galaxy?
What was the first game I bought on steam
median home price in 2013 vs now
(Closest Wins)
2013: $197,400
Now: $358,000 - $450,000?
What game features a mechanic for popping bubble wrap?
Sims 4
How many times is Samuel L Jackson featured on our mal pages
What country is Megan Fox obsessed with?
What was the name of the guy who revived danny in dnd.
(Bonus for the name of Abram's messenger)
Kiki Da Kid