This is Caesar's father's first name.
What is Gaius?
A triumvirate is this.
What is an alliance between three powerful leaders?
The Gallic Wars were fought here.
What are Modern-day France and Belgium?
This is the Egyptian queen that Caesar allied himself with.
Who is Cleopatra?
This is the Roman date on which Caesar was assassinated.
What is the Ides of March?
Caesar's father was a governor of this province/area.
What is Asia?
These were the members of the first triumvirate.
Who are Crassus, Caesar, and Pompeius?
The Gallic Wars were fought in this 8 year time period.
What is 58-50 BCE?
The Civil War was between these two powerful Roman leaders.
Who are Caesar and Pompey?
These men led the conspiracy to assassinate Caesar.
Who are Brutus and Cassius?
Caesar was a high priest of this god before being banished.
Who is Jupiter?
This was the goal of the first triumvirate.
What is to bring peace to Rome?
The defeat of this tribe started the Gallic Wars.
Who are the Helvetii?
Caesar crossed this river to start the Civil War.
What is the Rubicon River?
These were Caesar's famous last words.
What is "Et tu Brute" (You too, Brutus)?
This dictator banished Caesar from Rome.
Who is Sulla?
This is the name of Caesar's daughter and Pompeius' wife.
What is Julia?
This is the title of the book where Caesar about his experience during the Gallic Wars.
What is the Commentarii de Bello Gallico?
Caesar said these words, marking the start of the Civil War.
What is "Alea iacta est" (The die is cast)?
Caesar was assassinated for this reason.
What is the fear that Caesar wanted to become a king and end the Roman Republic?
Caesar threatened to do what to the pirates that kidnapped him.
What is crucify them on a stake?
These are the resources/skills of each of the members of the First Triumvirate.
What are Crassus’s funds, Caesar’s keen mind, and Pompeius’s popularity?
This king united various tribes against Rome.
Who is Vercingetorix?
These people were concerned after Caesar's victory.
Who are the senators?
Rome transitioned from a Republic into this form of government after the assassination of Julius Caesar.
What is the Roman Empire?