The Magnificent 80's
General Knowledge
U.S. History

 The whole mess that we call "life" started when Adam and Eve ate a forbidden apple after being tempted by Satan. The Bible says so.





 Where would I find Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnnie Ray,
South Pacific, Walter Winchell and Joe DiMaggio all in one place?

 On a Storm Front

 The History Of Baseball In The 50s

 Legends of The 50s

 Communists Of Note and Standing

 On a Storm Front


"Meet me on the Spanish steps
Oh you will not wait long
Near the place where we first met
It was on the streets of Rome..." sang Kyle the Kennel Boy to himself, but he was not in the Eternal City, he was on a tour of the USA and had ended up in city called Rome in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. Which state is the town in?







 All cities listed are the capitals of their respective states. Three of them are named for United States presidents. Which one is NOT?

 Jackson, Mississippi

 Lincoln, Nebraska

 Madison, Wisconsin

 Bismarck, North Dakota

Bismarck, North Dakota


 Christopher Columbus' voyage to the Americas in 1492 opened up a new era in world history. What country sponsored his expedition?







 The angels described in the Bible do NOT take the appearance of which of the following?

 graceful, halo-adorned winged human

 four-rimmed wheels filled with eyes

 six-winged and filled with eyes all around

 four faces -- human, ox, lion, and eagle

graceful, halo-adorned winged human


 The 1980s and the birth of the video game. This all time best selling coin-op was inspired by a pizza with a piece missing.

 Space Invaders

 Mario World

 Donkey Kong

 Pac Man

 Pac Man


Kyle the Kennel Boy felt he should be sprinting into action as he visited a place named after the location of the first Olympic Games of the modern era. This, though, was not Athens, Greece, this was Athens "the home of the hamburger" in a US border state. Which of these was it?




 South Dakota



 These four cities were named in languages other than English. Three of them use the same language. Which one is the different one?

 Sault Ste Marie, Michigan

 Baton Rouge, Louisiana

 San Antonio, Texas

 Eau Claire, Wisconsin

San Antonio, Texas


 The coming of Columbus and other Europeans to the Americas brought many changes to the Americas, some of them positive and others negative. What affected the native population of North America most severely?







As seen in Exodus 34, which of the following statements is listed among those that are called the Ten Commandments?

 do not murder

 bring the best of your first fruits to the Lord

 do not covet your neighbor's possessions

 honor your father and mother

bring the best of your first fruits to the Lord


 The 90s was all about who shot Mr Burns, but in 1981 someone shot J. R. Ewing! Who was it?

 Larry Hagman

 Sue Ellen Sheppard

 Kristin Sheppard

 Maggie Simpson

 Kristin Sheppard


 "Oh how I love Paris, the music, the fun," thought Kyle the Kennel Boy as he looked on a replica of the Eiffel Tower. But this was not Paris, France, this was one of the most southerly cities in the USA named after the capital of France. Which state is it in?


 West Virginia





Three of these cities that begin with the letter "M" are located within the same state. Which city is the outlier?

 Muscle Shoals






The first English settlements were failures--it was not until tobacco was discovered as a cash crop and strong administrators took advantage of the economics. This man established an order that Virginia become a viable colony.

 Adam Smith

 Adam Jackson

 John Smith

 Thomas Jefferson

John Smith


The single biblical mention of Lucifer makes it clear that it is another name for which biblical character?

 Satan -- obviously!






In 1985, which drinks company tried to launch to the world a new flavour?







 "Can you take me to Berlin?", Kyle The Kennel Boy asked the driver as he boarded a Greyhound bus. "Sure, I hope you like cheese," the driver replied. Which US state was Kyle bound for?

 West Virginia

 New Mexico


 Rhode Island



 Three of the cities in this list are state capitals. Which one is NOT the capital of its state?

 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

 Carson City, Nevada

 New York City, New York

 Jefferson City, Missouri

New York City, New York


 In the late 1730s and the 1740s, a religious revival swept across the land. It was in part a response to the loosening of colonial religious controls, but also a response to the uncertainty of the times. This period of American history is referred to as:

 Spirited Times

 The Puritan Revolution

 The Reformation

 The Great Awakening

The Great Awakening


 The saying "hate the sin, love the sinner" can be traced back to a saying from which of these figures?

 God, obviously

 Satan, ironically enough

 Jesus, even more obviously

 St Augustine, who doesn't appear in the Bible

 St Augustine, who doesn't appear in the Bible


Which of these was NOT an 80s invention?

 Cabbage Patch Kids


 Nintendo Entertainment System

 The Apple II

The Apple II


 The sun was beating down on Saint Petersburg as Kyle the Kennel Boy stepped down from the train. He recalled reading that it had once had 768 days of consecutive sunshine. This was not St Petersburg, Russia, it was in a sunshine US state. Which one?







 All of these cities are coastal towns. Three of them are located on the same body of water. Which is the odd one out?

 Pensacola, Florida

 Gulf Shores, Alabama

 Biloxi, Mississippi

 Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

 Myrtle Beach, South Carolina


 In order to avoid or limit potential problems with Native Americans, England had also closed much of the West to settlement, angering many colonists who were anxious to move into the rich and fertile Ohio Valley. This, and another thorny issue caused anger and resentment to grow in the colonies. Name this other issue.

 Limits on slave labour

 Immigration requirements

 A trade embargo




The cup that Jesus used to serve wine during the Last Supper is called the Holy Grail. The Bible says so.





What year did the Chernobyl nuclear disaster take place?







Our first area is well-known for its many popular sites including Mount Rushmore National Memorial, Wind Cave National Park, and the Crazy Horse Memorial. What is the name of this 5,000 sq mi area that has Harney Peak as its highest point?

 Grey Hills

 Black Hills

 Brown Hills

 Dakota Hills

Black Hills


One of the largest parties in the U.S. is the Mardi Gras, which is a week-long event that occurs in New Orleans, Louisiana every year, just before which religious observance?

 All Hallows Eve

 Yom Kippur





 In the few years preceding the American Revolution, the city of Boston was a powder keg just waiting to explode. In March of 1770, some British troops responded to a snowball attack by local young men by firing back, killing five colonists. What was the name given to this historical event?

 The American Revolution

 The Boston Massacre

 The Boston Tea Party

 The Boston Revolt

The Boston Massacre


 During the end of days following the Rapture, the Antichrist will emerge on Earth and (according to the Bible) be readily distinguished by what feature?

 the number of the Second Beast, 666

 he's going to be an unusually charismatic leader

 the conflicting appearance of horns and halos

 the Antichrist is not described in the Bible

the Antichrist is not described in the Bible


Which of these actors didn't star in the cult movie 'The Breakfast Club'?

 Molly Ringwald

 Anthony Michael Hall

 Judd Nelson

 Rob Lowe

Rob Lowe


 Our next hilly place is actually the lowest state highpoint in the United States. Within what notoriously flat state could one find Britton Hill at 345 feet (105 meters) above sea level?

 South Carolina






 What is the name of the royal festival, sure to quench your hunger and thirst, that is held every year in Bell Buckle, Tennessee?

 Jambalaya Jamboree

 The Cinderella and Prince Charming Carnival

 RC Cola and Moonpie Festival

 The Elvis Impersonators Festival

 RC Cola and Moonpie Festival


Violent action having begun, the Second Continental Congress debated what steps to take against Britain. They drafted this document.

 Declaration of Independence

 Charter of Rights

 Indian-American Treaty

 The Constitution

Declaration of Independence


 As told in Revelation 12, Satan will knock down one-third of what from the sky?

 angels -- the Bible says this for sure!






'The Jeffersons' was a TV comedy representing an affluent African American middle class family in 1975. Which similar show followed their success in 1984?

 Different Strokes

 The Cosby Show

 Three in the Middle

 Brady Bunch

The Cosby Show


 Within Florida's Hillsborough county one can travel on Interstates 4, 75, and 275. Home to Busch Gardens and the neighborhood of Ybor City, what is the county seat and most populous city of Hillsborough County?




 Key West



Sooner or later, you might decide to go to which state, home of "The World Cow Chip Throwing Championship"?







One interesting story is that of women who fought in the Revolutionary War as men. This woman is probably the most famous.

 Eva Simpson

 G.I. Jane

 Deborah Sampson

 Joanne Wight

Deborah Sampson


Revelation 12 is the only place in the Bible that describes Satan's physical image. How does Satan appear, as described by the Bible?

 pointy horns, pointy tail, pointy pitchfork

 a seven-headed dragon with ten horns

 a goat's head, bat wings, and cloven hoofs


a seven-headed dragon with ten horns


The early 1980s saw a new format launch into the market and changed the way we would buy our music forever. Who is credited with inventing the compact disc player?


 Philips & Sony



Philips & Sony


 In 1775 an important battle took place on both Breed's Hill and Bunker Hill. Within what state did this early battle of the American Revolutionary War take place?




 New York



To which American state would you have to travel if you wanted to enjoy the Kona Coffee Cultural Festival?

 Rhode Island

 South Dakota





The revolution behind the colonies, ties with France became strained, and England's naval superiority grew. Which new war with England broke out early in the next century?

 The Civil War

 Spanish War

 The Puritan Revolution

 The War of 1812

 The War of 1812


Here's a word with two entirely different meanings, but only one meaning reflects its origin: a Hebrew root word meaning simply "to abstain from food". Which of the following is this word?







In 1989, what significant event took place marking the end of the Cold War?

 Hands Across America

 The Nuclear Arms Treaty

 The fall of the Berlin Wall

 The Palesades Treaty

The fall of the Berlin Wall


What is the largest island in the Great Salt Lake?

 Fremont Island

 Dolphin Island

 Carrington Island

 Antelope Island

Antelope Island 


Chandler, Arizona is home to a festival that celebrates the racing of which kind of animal?







The overwhelming superiority of the British army forced the American forces out of the major cities during the brutal winters of the Revolutionary War. The tide of the war changed, however, when this nation threw its support behind the colonies.





