Double Talk
Mellow Yellow
10-Letter Words
Country By Leaders
Hot July

The Big Apple, followed by the state in which you can find it.

What is New York, New York?

The city’s original name was New Amsterdam.


When you whip cream too long, you get this.

What is butter?

After margarine was introduced, a law was passed in the Vermont, South Dakota, and New Hampshire legislatures that required margarine to be dyed pink to differentiate it from butter. The battle went all the way to the Supreme Court, which struck down the “pink laws.”


This is a covering that goes underneath one’s placemats at dinner.

What is a tablecloth?

Cotton and linen tablecloths have natural fibers that absorb messes more quickly, while synthetics are more stain- and wrinkle-resistant.


Among this nation’s long list of prime ministers are John Turner, Pierre Trudeau, and Brian Mulroney.

What is Canada?

Trudeau’s son Justin became Canada’s 23rd prime minister in 2015.


On July 1, 1961, Princess Diana was born and later became the Princess of Wales when she married the heir to the British throne. This was her title and name before she married then-Prince Charles.

What is Lady Diana Spencer?

She was known as “The People’s Princess” and tragically passed away in an automobile accident on August 30, 1997.


Part of a ballerina’s costume.

What is tutu?

The word comes from the French cucu, which means “bottom.” They first appeared in 1832 at a ballet in Paris.


When you see a yellow sign, you generally think of this.

What is caution?

Yellow is the universal color of caution, just as red is the universal color for “stop.”


These small, implanted devices in the chest regulate the heartbeat.

What are pacemakers?

The devices monitor the heart constantly and give it a nudge when it needs regulation. Did you know your sinus node controls your heartbeat? It normally acts as the body’s own pacemaker.


Indira Gandhi was the first female prime minister of this South Asian nation.

What is India?

Gandhi served a total of four terms as the Indian prime minister, from 1966 to 1977 and again from 1980 to 1984, when she was assassinated.


The hottest days of summer in the northern hemisphere occur between July 3 and August 11 and are colloquially known as this.

What are the dog days of summer?

In addition to heat, these days bring high humidity.


Baby’s first word (typically).

What is mama (or dada)?

Infants typically spend most of their time with their mothers and fathers, and both names are easy words to learn. Many cultures use short, repeating words for mother and father.


Back in the day, we looked up businesses in this.

What are the Yellow Pages?

The Real Yellow Pages has moved online to the website  


These luscious nuts are native to Australia but now are grown in places like Hawaii, Brazil, and Costa Rica.

What are macadamias?

It grows on trees but falls to the ground when ripe.


Mao Zedong (MOW tseh-DONG), known as Chairman Mao, ruled this country from 1949 until his death in 1976.

What is China?

Famously, President Nixon visited China in 1972 and met with Chairman Mao.


This is the easiest way to retain hydration in a garden’s soil during the brutal heat of July.

What is mulching?

Adding a top layer of mulch also controls weeds.


Jokes young kids tell.

What is knock-knock?

These jokes are timeless, and some are really cute.


This is the yellow “split” on which ice cream sits.

What is banana?

Don’t forget the rest of the toppings—nuts, hot fudge, whipped cream, pineapple, strawberries, and a cherry.


You are considered this until the moment admission forms are signed at the hospital.

What is outpatient?

Care of this kind is sometimes called ambulatory or day patient care.


This nation’s leaders have included King Juan Carlos I and Prime Minister Adolfo Suarez, both in power in the early ’80s.

What is Spain?

Juan Carlos I is credited for his role in Spain’s peaceful transition to democracy.


This is the name for July’s full moon, the name originating from Native American traditions surrounding hunting for game.  

What is the buck moon?

The moon gets this name from the male deer (buck), which in July is in its final month of antler growth. The antlers regrow each year, often slightly bigger than the year prior.


Middle Eastern salad or side dish.

What is couscous?

The grain is typically made from semolina and is a staple in the Middle East and North Africa.


These wasps often build their nests underground.

What are yellow jackets?

They get their name from their yellow and black stripes and are also known as meat bees.


This term is a colloquial nickname for a musical instrument characterized by bellows and buttons.

What is a “squeezebox”?

Both the accordion and the concertina are commonly referred to by this term.


This country’s leaders have included Georges Pompidou (JORI PAAM-pi-doo) from 1969–1974 and Valery Giscard d’Estaing (vah-leh-REE zhees-KAR deh-STANG) from 1974–1981.

What is France?

During Pompidou’s presidency, he notably strengthened the nation’s economy.


This national celebration in France happens every July and draws huge crowds to the streets of Paris.

What is Bastille Day?

It commemorates the storming of the Bastille in 1789, which sparked the French Revolution.
