Landmark Supreme Court Decisions
Game Show Before & After
The Geologic Time Scale
Star Wars Filming Sites
The Things Strike Back

Less then 30 years into America's history as an independent nation, this case presented the first example of the concept of judicial review into the nation's government - that is, the Supreme Court can decide whether or not a law is unconstitutional

What is Marbury v. Madison?


A slow theme park ride meets an ABC daytime game show

What is a Ferris Wheel of Fortune?


This era of the geologic time scale has a root word meaning "middle" and is commonly known as the age of supersized lizards

What is the Mesozoic Era?


Transcript: This preserved desert area that was used to film Tatooine scenes in A New Hope contains the lowest point on land in the world

What is Death Valley?


A yellow citrus fruit used to add zest to food

What is a lemon?


This recently-overturned court case guaranteed the right to an abortion federally from 1973 to 2022

What is Roe v. Wade?


The game show featured in the Newbery Medal-winning novel When You Reach Me severely underestimates the value of the only surviving ancient wonder of the world

What is The $100,000 Pyramids of Giza?


There have been five of these global events throughout geological history that mark big changes in the Earth and its life and the end of an era on the time scale - humans may be causing a sixth one of them

What are mass extinctions?


Transcript: Scenes on the moon of Endor were filmed in these preserves in California - don't pick the wrong one!

What are the Redwood National and State Parks?


Humans have over 200 of these in the intricate system that provides the scaffolding for the human body

What are bones?

Chief Justice Roger Taney decided that all African-Americans cannot be U.S. citizens, and the Missouri Compromise was deemed unconstitutional in this court case

What is Dred Scott v. Sanford?


A staple group in pop culture that was spawned by a certain Charles's cartoon series meets with a game show based on a survey of sample size 100

What is The Addams Family Feud?


The geologic time scale is quite unevenly divided into a single-digit number of these - the Precambrian ones of these combined account for 4 billion years, leading up to an explosion of life that marks the beginning of the current one of these

What are eons?


Transcript: The following photos are of locations inside the desert of this northernmost country in Africa that were used as a backdrop for most of the Tatooine scenes in the prequel trilogy and A New Hope.

What is Tunisia?


In Super Mario Bros. 2, these vegetables are hurled at enemies as a primary way to get rid of them. Don't pick the wrong game!

What are turnips?


This court case gave the South its ways of racial segregation that characterized the Jim Crow era by founding the ideology of "separate but equal" as a constitutional doctrine - the outcome of the case lasted for a little over 50 years before being overruled by a case regarding a very important right for children

What is Plessy v. Ferguson?


A game show that originally aired on BBC, which features a voting system, collides with a Nintendo game that originated a decade before that game show

What is The Weakest Link's Awakening?


This is the last period on the time scale to not be named generically through numbered tiers, just like a food chain (i.e. primary, secondary, etc.)

What is the Cretaceous Period?



Transcript: These Alps were used as the backdrop of scenes in Alderaan that were filmed for Revenge of the Sith and are located near this village whose name made its mark in a film written by J.K. Rowling.


This tool in the kitchen harnesses the principle of leverage to open tight things

What is a bottle opener?


This 1919 case was the first of many that changed United States citizens' modern understanding of the First Amendment by stating that First Amendment rights do not apply to any act that is intended to result in a crime that showed a "clear and present danger"

What is Schneck v. United States?


A classic question-asking game where players narrow down options for the other player's "person" meets a trivia game show that features multiple-choice questions with only one contestant on the stage at a time

What is Guess Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?



The Carboniferous period is divided into two sub-periods named after these two states, lasting about 37 million years each - the earlier of these periods marks the birth of the first amphibians, and the later one of them marks the birth of the first reptiles


Transcript: In The Phantom Menace, the city of Theed in Naboo closely resembles Athens and Rome - pre-Imperium Rome and the Galactic Republic have similar governments, after all. However, in contrast to this look, Theed is actually this city's "Plaza of Spain".

What is Seville?


This tool around the house can be used to literally do something that figuratively means "to get to know someone else better"

What is an ice pick?
