Harry Potter's Birthday
Ice Cream Month!
Jump for Jelly Beans Day
National Mutt Day
Uncommon Instrument
Awareness Day
World Ranger Day
National Diana Day

The name of the owl that Harry receives at Diagon Alley that is with him throughout his time at Hogwarts.

What is Hedwig?


The most popular flavor of ice cream in the world.

What is Vanilla?

FUN FACT! Chocolate Ice Cream (the second most popular flavor) was invented before Vanilla, since Vanilla was rare and exotic in the 1700's.


The most popular flavor of jelly beans sold according to Jelly Belly since 1978.

What is Very Cherry?


This is what classifies a dog as a "mutt".

What is a dog that is mixed breed with at least 2 breeds?

FUN FACT: Mixed breed dogs tend to be statistically healthier than purebreds, living on average 4 years longer.


A keyboard similar to a synthesizer that is held in a manner consistent with a very popular string instrument.

What is a keytar?


The TV show following a team of colorful teenagers with attitude that consists of 30 seasons and 3 theatrically released films as of 2023.

What is Power Rangers?


This famous royal known for her activism and glamour died on August 31, 1997 in a car crash while fleeing the paparazzi. 

Who is Princess Diana of Wales?


Harry's wand was made of holly wood and had a core made from this magical creature.

What is a phoenix?

FUN FACT! Harry's wand contained a phoenix feather from none other than Fawkes, the phoenix that would later save his life in the Chamber of Secrets.


It takes roughly 12 pounds of this liquid substance to produce just a single gallon of ice cream.

What is milk?


This fictional-turned-real line of jelly beans includes some tasty flavors, but also some yucky ones like booger, dirt, and vomit.

What are Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans?


A designer breed dog originally bred as allergy-friendly companions with an average price range of $1,500 to $3,000 per puppy.

What is a labradoodle?


A wind instrument with four to twelve finger holes that is often associated with The Legend of Zelda video games.

What is an ocarina?

Ranger is a class available in this popular tabletop RPG game that was first published in 1974.

What is Dungeons & Dragons?


The lead singer of the vocal group The Supremes with a successful solo career including hit singles like "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" and "I'm Coming Out".

Who is Diana Ross?


The language of serpents that Harry can speak due to his connection with Lord Voldemort.

What is Parseltongue?


A frozen dessert from Italy that is made of a similar custard base to ice cream with different proportions of ingredients. 

What is gelato?

For a small fee, you can get a tour of the Jelly Belly Factory in which U.S. state?

What is California?


A popular small to medium-sized dog for its sociable nature, but may struggle with potential health issues including hip dysplasia, obesity, and breathing problems.

What is a puggle?


A percussion instrument originating from Trinidad that is made from 55-gallon industrial drums with a very unique sound.

What is a steelpan?


This branch of the U.S. military has a Special Operations unit called The Rangers.

What is The Army?


The song "Dirty Diana" released in 1988 was written and performed by this Pop sensation.

Who is Michael Jackson?


This is the specific placement of Harry's lightning bolt scar.

Where is his forehead above his right eye?


This brand of ice cream sold the most units in 2023 at 176 million.

What is Ben & Jerry's?


"You can tell a lot about a fellow's character by his way of eating jelly beans" is a direct quote from this former U.S. politician. 

Who is Ronald Reagan?

FUN FACT! Reagan popularized jelly beans during his time as president and was known to have a jar of jelly beans at every meeting he attended.


A highly sought-after breed that combines the small size and fluffy nature of one breed and the energetic, intelligent and stubborn nature of the other.

What is a pomsky?


An electronic instrument consisting of metal antennas that is controlled without physical contact by the performer.

What is a theremin?


Chuck Norris played the lead in this Action Crime series that ran on CBS for 8 seasons from 1993 to 2001.

What is Walker, Texas Ranger?


As beautiful as Aphrodite, as wise as Athena, swifter than Hermes, and stronger than Hercules, this superheroine fights for peace in the world of Man.

Who is Diana Prince (Wonder Woman)?


The title of the book in which Harry Potter doesn't successfully cast a single spell throughout the entire book.

What is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone?


The country that consumes the most ice cream per person in a year. 

What is New Zealand?

Second place goes to the USA and third place goes to Australia!


The century in which Jelly Belly, the top-selling company of jelly beans, was founded.

What is the 19th Century?

FUN FACT! Jelly Belly was founded in 1869 and was originally called "Herman Goelitz Candy Company" after its founder Gustav Goelitz.


Bred as a companion dog to shed less for those with allergies, this intelligent and friendly breed comes in a variety of colors and sizes and might even be miniature.

What is a cockapoo?


An instrument that resembles a small xylophone that is made of steel bars and also called "orchestra bells".

What is a glockenspiel?


The Rangers are an American professional ice hockey team that play their home games in this state.

What is New York?


Diana is a talking feline companion from the future in this Japanese manga series turned TV series that ran from 1992-1997.

What is Sailor Moon?

This book was Harry Potter's personal favorite while at Hogwarts and was actually written by J.K. Rowling under a pseudonym.

What is "Quidditch Through the Ages"?


Harry Burt, an ice cream parlor owner, is credited for inventing the first Ice Cream Truck in 1920 in this Midwest U.S. state.

What is Ohio?

FUN FACT! Burt was also the creator of the Good Humor brand, which is still sold to this day in stores and ice cream trucks.


Jelly Belly first earned its fame as the maker of this other popular "layered" candy treat that required intense precision to make.

What is Candy Corn?

FUN FACT! Candy makers had to lay down each layer of melted candy by hand in just the right measurement of each of the three colors.


According to Mars Veterinary, this is the most common breed found in American mutts.

What is the German Shepherd?


An instrument fused with a toy created in Japan that creates an array of pitch-bending sounds by pressing it's "mouth" and sliding your fingers along its "neck".

What is an Otamatone?


A race of men later called "rangers" that survived the sinking of their island kingdom and came to Middle Earth, led by Elendil.

Who are the DĂșnedain?


A character named Diana makes a brief appearance firing an arrow across the night sky in this 1940 classic animated musical anthology film.

What is Fantasia?

(FUN FACT! Diana appears during the "Pastoral Symphony" segment and represents Artemis, the Goddess of Wisdom in Greek Mythology, whose Roman equivalent is named Diana.)
