World War II
Auto Racing (Not Nascar)
Brewers Stadium
Doris Day
Mexican Food

On July 24, 1943, British bombers raid Hamburg, Germany, by_________ (day or night) 



In what type of racing would you find this type of car? 

Formula One 


Arlington Virginia  is home to what National Monument? 

Arlington National Cemetery 


The American Bullfrog lives in what kind of water? 

(Fresh or Salt)

Fresh water


What is the name of the Brewers Stadium? 

American Family Field


Before she was an actress Doris Day had another career, what was it? 

She was a singer 


I can be soft shell or hard but I am usually served with meat and cheese and or beans what am I? 


Is Formula one National or International Auto racing? 



What city did the Americans bomb the same day? 



What kind of wheels (open or fenders) are used on Formula One auto racing? 

Open wheels 


How big is the Arlington National Cemetery? 

639 acres 


What does an American Bullfrog eat? 

Bullfrogs eat all kinds of insects, mice, snakes, fish, and other small creatures.


What kind of roof is on the Brewers Stadium? 

 the Milwaukee Brewers' American Family Field has a retractable roof.


How many times was Doris Day married? 

Doris Day was married four times. 


What is this popular Mexican food? 



What was the goal aside from military target of Operation Gomorrah? 

One of the main goals of the mission, code-named Operation Gomorrah, was the destruction of the public morale.


How much greater was the expositive power that the British dropped compared to the German?

(1 time, 3 times, 6 times)

The explosive power was the equivalent of what German bombers had dropped on London in their five most destructive raid


How many SEATS in a formula one car? 

just one 


When was Arlington National Cemetery created? 

Arlington National Cemetery is one of the country’s oldest national cemeteries. It was created during the Civil War – over 150 years ago.


What assisted a frog in getting its food? (What body part?)

its tongue


What CITY is home to the Brewers Stadium? 



Before it was a TV show The Doris Day Show appeared on another medium of entrainment. What was it? 

The Doris Day Show was an American old-time radio musical program. It was broadcast on CBS from March 28, 1952, to May 26, 1953.


What is guacamole made of?

Guacamole is an avocado-based dip or spread that originated in Mexico. It's typically made with mashed avocado and lime juice, then seasoned with salt and cilantro. Guacamole often contains tomatoes and onions.


What patriotic item are visitors NOT allowed to bring to Arlington? 

Visitors to Arlington National Cemetery are generally not allowed to carry unfurled American flags due to a federal law that prohibits demonstrations.


For how many days did the British Bomb the German city Hamburg and surrounding areas? 

10-day-long campaign


What is the top speed of a formula one car? 

Formula 1 (F1) racing cars can reach a top speed of around 233 miles per hour (mph) (374.97 kilometers per hour (km/h)) on long, straight stretches, but only the fastest cars can reach this speed. On a typical circuit, they can average speeds of up to 200 mph (312.86 km/h). F1 cars can also accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in 1.8 seconds, which is faster than any other vehicle.


Who is the most famous grave in Arlington? 

JOHN F. Kennedy was laid to rest in Arlington. Each year millions of people visit the gravesite of the 35th President marked by an eternal flame.


What do bullfrogs do when the weather gets cold? 

When it turns cold, they dig down into mud to hibernate.


From 2000-2010 the Brewers Stadium was known by a different name. What was it? 

Miller Park
The ballpark was named Miller Park from its opening in 2001 through 2020.


Did Doris have children on the show? 

Yes for seasons 1-4


Here in the US, we associate the word ________ with a dip made primarily from chopped tomatoes, chiles, and onions.   


There was a popular frog that was sung about in the 1970's What was his name?

Jerimiah was a bullfrog 


What caused the most damage after the bombing? 

The fires caused by the bombing. This was intended as incendiaries started the fires, but cleverly placed high explosive bombs along with delayed-action fuses prevented fire brigades from reacting to the resulting blaze. 


What weather can cause problems for the Formula one cars? 

 Formula 1 (F1) races can take place in the rain, but it can be a challenging experience for drivers and teams. Rain can reduce a car's grip and traction, and make it difficult for drivers to see the track and avoid spray from other cars. Heavy rain can also cause issues with the aerodynamics of the larger, modern F1 cars, and may lead to races being red-flagged.


What is placed on each grave in Arlington? 

Flags In. Just before Memorial Day weekend, the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment (the "Old Guard") honors America's fallen heroes by placing American flags at gravesites for service members buried at Arlington National Cemetery and the U.S. Soldiers' and Airmen's Home National Cemetery 


WHY is an American Bullfrog called a BULL frog?

The male bullfrog's call is deep and loud. Jug-o-rum, jug-o-rum, it calls. Some people think it sounds like a cow mooing, which is why the frog has "bull" in its name.


What is special about the roof of the Brewers stadium other than that its recitable? 

American Family Field features North America's only fan-shaped convertible roof, which can open and close in less than 10 minutes. Large panes of glass allow natural grass to grow, augmented with heat lamp structures wheeled out across the field during the off-season.


Who cancelled the show after 5 seasons? 

At the end of the show's fifth season, with CBS ready to renew it for at least another year, Doris Day in effect canceled her own series. She held a press conference and announced that in five years she believed "all that could be done with this material" had been done, and she was uninterested in continuing to work on it.


What does Salsa mean in Spanish? 

Dip so it can be many things not just what we Americans typically refer to as Salsa 


Doris Day started a charity for animals that is still going strong today. What is it called?

The Doris Day Animal Foundation 


How many British planes were lost in the bombing? 

ONLY 12 of the 791 planes that few that day 


Name Formula One Auto racing most famous track. 

Circuit de Monaco

This track in the Mediterranean principality of Monaco is considered the jewel of the Formula One schedule. The Monaco Grand Prix is one of the oldest and most glamorous races, first held in 1929. Drivers race through the streets of Monaco, past historic hotels, a casino, and yachts, and must change gears 54 times per lap.


Why are some of the headstones different? 

The white marble headstones scattered throughout the cemetery are provided by the federal government at no cost to the family or loved ones of the deceased. The larger and more opulent headstone markers are private markers that were purchased and are maintained by the person’s family. As a result of limited space, ANC no longer allows families to purchase private headstones.


How do frogs move? 

What body part helps them do so? 


Powerful back legs 


How much did American Family spend to gain Naming Right to the Brewers Stadium? 

Bonus: How long do they have those right? 

American Family Insurance Co. is paying the team an estimated $60 million in a 15-year naming rights deal that runs through 2035


What did Doris do after her show was cancelled? 

Retired (mostly made occasional TV appearances) from acting 


The purple bell logo gives away this famous taco restaurant. What is it? 


What is the difference between a taco and a burrito? 

Burritos and tacos can have similar ingredients, but they differ in size, tortilla type, and whether they're meant to be a snack or a meal: tacos are a snack burritos are intended to be a meal 


What was the "window" invention that saved many British aircrafts? 

thanks to a new radar-jamming device called “Window,” which consisted of strips of aluminum foil dropped by the bombers en route to their target.


How many Formula One auto races have taken place at Indy? 

The Indianapolis Motor Speedway is a motor racing circuit and oval speedway complex in Indiana, United States, which has held the Indianapolis 500 since 1911 (11 of which, 1950 to 1960, were rounds of the Formula One World Championship) and the United States Grand Prix from 2000 to 2007.


When was the tomb of the unknown solider created? 

To honor all these soldiers, the U.S. government built the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in 1921.


The frog has many predators try to name 2

A wide variety of predators feed on bullfrog eggs, tadpoles and adults. These include aquatic insects, crayfish, fishes, other bullfrogs, aquatic turtles, snakes, birds and mammals, including humans.


What TEAM will cause a price surge in Brewers tickets? 

The Chicago Cubs


What TYPE of  TV show did Doris Day have other than her sitcom comedy show? 

(Soap opera, cartoon, reality show, etc.) 

In the 1985–86 season, Day hosted her own television talk show, Doris Day's Best Friends, on the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN). The network canceled the show after 26 episodes despite the worldwide publicity that it had received. 


What are churros? 

Churros, sweet Mexican fritters rolled in cinnamon sugar, 


 The world’s largest desert is not the Sahara.  _____ is technically the world’s largest desert because it receives very little precipitation.

Antarctica  is technically the world’s largest desert because it receives very little precipitation.


What did the Window strips do? 

These Window strips confused German radar, which mistook the strips for dozens and dozens of aircraft, diverting them from the trajectory of the actual bombers.


Where is the most famous US Formula One auto racing track? 

The Circuit of the Americas (COTA) in Austin, Texas is the most popular track in the United States for Formula 1 racing. The 3.41-mile track has hosted the United States Grand Prix (USGP) every year since 2012, except for 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Whom is laid to rest in the tomb of the unknown solider? 

(From what wars?)

There is one soldier from World War I, one soldier from World War II and one soldier from the Korean War buried at the Tomb. There is also an empty space to honor the people who fought in the Vietnam War and remain missing or unidentified. The Unknowns represent all unidentified service members who gave their lives for the United States.


How long does it take frog eggs to hatch in the southern part of world?


In the southern part of a bullfrog’s range, metamorphosis can take as few as 79 day; in the colder, northern part of their range, it can take two to three years.

How big is the stadium building? 

How many acres does it sit on including parking? 

Size of Building: 1.2 million square feet and 25 acres

Size of Overall Site: 265 acres


What did Doris Day's 3rd husband do that was a huge scandal at the time? 

After her third husband Martin Melcher died on April 20, 1968, Day was shocked to discover that Melcher and his business partner and advisor Jerome Bernard Rosenthal had squandered her earnings, leaving her deeply in debt. He had also signed her up WITHOUT her knowledge to do the Doris Day Show 


What grain is a staple with most Mexican dishes? 

rice is a staple in Mexican cuisine and is often eaten as a side dish. It's commonly made with white rice, tomato, garlic, and onion, and can be flavored with tomato bouillon cubes for an orange color. Mexican rice, also known as Spanish rice, is especially popular in northern Mexico and the Southwestern United States, where it's often served with dishes like tacos, refried beans, or more.


Who sang Jeremiah was a bullfrog?

Was it the actual song title? 

Three Dog Night 

No the Song Title is Joy to the World 


What was the code name for the mission? 

Operation Gomorrah: The First of the Firestorms


Where is the track of Circuit de Monaco located? 

The Circuit de Monaco is located in the Principality of Monaco, a small country that's just over two square kilometers in size. The 2.074 mile (3.337 km) street circuit is made up of roads in Monte Carlo and La Condamine, and winds around the harbor. It's often called "Monte Carlo" because it's mostly in that neighborhood.

How many steps does the "Old Guard" take at the tomb of the unknown solider? 

The Tomb Guard marches exactly 21 steps down the black mat behind the Tomb, turns, faces east for 21 seconds, turns and faces north for 21 seconds, then takes 21 steps down the mat and repeats the process.  (The number 21 symbolizes the highest military honor that can be bestowed, the 21-gun salute.) Next, the Sentinel executes a sharp "shoulder-arms" movement to place the weapon on the shoulder closest to the visitors, signifying that he or she stands between the Tomb and any possible threat.


How high can an bullfrog jump? 

Their hefty back legs help them jump on land and swim powerfully in the water. Bullfrogs can jump 2 to 3 feet — many times their length. The big bullfrog prefers to be on its own rather than in large groups.


How many total Cubic Yards of Concrete in the Brewers Stadium?

Total Tons of Structural Steel:

Total Tons of Rebar:

Total Cubic Yards of Concrete: 70,000

Total Tons of Structural Steel: 24,000

Total Tons of Rebar: 8,500


What college does the Doris Day Foundation sponsor a scholarship? 

Bonus: What is it for? (What area of study?) 

The Doris Day/Terry Melcher Scholarship at the University of California at Davis School of Veterinary Medicine is awarded to students pursuing education in veterinary shelter medicine and helping disadvantaged pet populations.


How would one make Mexican stuffed green peppers? 

Chiles Rellenos (stuffed green peppers)

Chiles Rellenos, or stuffed green chili peppers in English, are a traditional Mexican dish. It is usually stuffed with minced meat, cheese, nuts and cinnamon. After that, it gets coated in a fluffy egg batter and then deep-fried in hot oil until golden brown.


How long is a Jiffy?

Hint: It is an ACTUAL unit of time 

A jiffy is an actual unit of time. It refers to 1/100th of a second.

0.01 seconds

It's typically 0.01 seconds, or 10 milliseconds long. An updated example of how long it is in the computer age would be the tick of the computer's clock system.

