What shape represents kindness
Give me three examples of healthy food
Answers may vary
What game do you jump over a rope
Jump rope
What drink is the best to stay healthy
What color is your heart
What is a good valentine gift (not flowers)
What do you call jump roping with one leg
Skip roping
Why is it good to drink water
It gives your body proper energy to last the day
Answers may very
What holiday celebrates hearts
Valentine’s Day
What are the most common flowers to give on valentines day
What is it called when the rope crosses
Cris cros
What is another way to say water
Answers may vary
What fruit looks like a heart
A strawberry
3 examples on how to keep your heart healthy
Drink water don’t smoke eat healthy exercise
What is it called when the jump rope goes under your feet twice before you touch you ground
Double Dutch
How much water should you drink every day (liters)
1 to 1.5 liters
What side of your body is your heart
How many hearts does an octopus have
What is the world record for jump roping in a minute
How much percentage of your body is water
55% answers may very