Today's Bottom Line...
God can do the IMPOSSIBLE!
True or False: The Bible is the most popular book ever written. (by copies sold)
In what was baby Moses hidden?
An ark of bulrushes
Which angel appeared to Mary?
True or False: The Bible is written in chronological order.
Israel went without rain for ___ years.
3 Years
What is the common name given to the first four books of the New Testament?
The Gospels
How many books are there in the Old Testament?
Which apostle was a tax collector?
What is a parable?
A parable is a story that was told by Jesus. They were earthly stories with Heavenly meanings. No names were ever mentioned in parables.
How many bulls were used in the story?
Two bulls
Which New Testament book tells about Paul’s conversion?
How many sons did Jacob (Israel) have?
Who was shipwrecked in the New Testament?
What is the Longest Chapter in the Bible?
Psalm 119 has 176 verses!!
_______ prayed to God to send fire to the sacrifice.
Who is the author of the Book of Revelation?
What time period does the Old Testament cover?
The beginning of man to the time of the Messiah.
Which book tells about the visit of the Wise men to baby Jesus?
Heaven is mentioned _____ times in the Bible.
577 times
This story is found in what book of the Bible?
1 Kings 18:16-46
What language was most of the New Testament originally written in?
How many minor prophets’ are there?
How many days was Lazarus dead before Jesus brought him back to life?
4 Days
How old was the longest man that ever lived?
Methuselah, the Grandfather of Noah, lived 969 years.