Most Famous Archer
Desert Snakes
US States

What two things does one need to participate in this sport? 

Bow and Arrows 


I am the most famous archer of all time although I may or may not have been real. Who am I?


Which era marked a switch from agricultural practices to industrial practices?

The Industrial Revolution


True or False 

There are more fish species and fish in the world rivers than the oceans. 


 There are more fish species in freshwater than in saltwater habitats  


I am known by my distinctive raddle. Who am I? 

Raddle snake 


What is the most popular MEAT at a picnic? 

Fried chicken


Which US State does not allow billboards 

Hawaii: No billboards

Hawaii’s natural beauty is an advertisement unto itself. To keep it that way, the state has officially outlawed billboards (with some exceptions) and aerial advertising, part of an “urban beautification” initiative that dates to 1927.


Are all raddle snake venomous? 

Yes they are venomous


What does one pull on the bow to release the arrow? 

the bow string 


Where does Robin Hood live? 

Sherwood Forrest 


What innovation did Henry Ford introduce in the manufacture of his Model T Ford in 1913?

Henry Ford introduced the assembly line in the manufacture of his Ford Model T in 1913, which greatly increased the speed of production and was soon adopted by many industries.


What percent of the worlds rivers are dammed or otherwise changed by man? 



What part of the raddle snake raddles? 

It tail 

The famous rattle noise comes from the sound created when hollow and bony doughnutlike segments in the rattle bang together.


What is the FRUIT most often served at a picnic? 



In which US State can you NOT advertise on a tombstone? 

Hint: Starts with M 

Maine: Don’t advertise on tombstones

It is forbidden to post advertisements on another person’s tombstone in the city of Wells. Part of a lengthy list of cemetery regulations, this ordinance is really a favor to would-be marketers; nobody is a worse customer than a corpse. 


What did Robin hood famously do that made the Sheriff so angry and the common folks so happy? 

He robbed the rich to fed the poor


What is traditionally attached to the end of an arrow to help it fly? 



Whom is Robin Hoods best friend and second in command? 

Little John 


What did Eli Whitney invent that changed the clothing industry? 

Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin, a machine for cleaning the seeds out of cotton. This invention revolutionized the cotton industry, making it easier and faster to clean out the seeds and process the cotton.


Where do all rivers eventually flow? 

to the ocean 


How long do raddle snake typically live in the wild? 

A rattlesnake's typical lifespan is 10 to 25 years.


What kind of EGGS are popular at a picnic? 

deviled eggs 


In what sate are Tarzans not welcome

Hint: it is known as the show me state 

Tarzans not welcome

Prankish Tarzans, be warned: In University City, Missouri, it is illegal to “swing upon” another person’s motor vehicle and honk their horn for them.


Where is the most common place to be bitten by a rattlesnake? 

The majority of snakebites occur on the hands, feet and ankles. Rattlesnakes usually avoid humans, but about 8,000 people are bitten by venomous snakes in the United States each year, with 10 to 15 deaths, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.


What part of the arrow is pictured below?

Arrow head 


Whom is Robin Hood in love with? 

Maid Marian or Lady Marian  sometimes Mary Ann all the same woman 


Who invented the electric telegraph?

The electric telegraph was invented by Samuel Morse in 1844, and it was used to relay commercial information about prices and markets.


What is the movement of water in a river called? 

the movement of water in a river is called a current  


What is the full name of the raddle snake? 

(or common name ________ _________ raddle snake) 

Eastern Diamondback raddle snake 


How are potatoes typically prepared for a picnic? 

potato salad 


In which state can you NOT catch a fish with a gun dynamite or a crossbow? 

Hint: The Hoosier State 

You cannot catch fish with a firearm (Indiana)

In Indiana, fishing laws pertaining to firearms are regulated by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR). According to the Indiana Fishing Regulation Guide, it’s illegal to catch a fish in Indiana with dynamite, firearms, or a crossbow.


 How far away are the archers' targets?

70 meters or 79 yards 


About how many thousands of years have people used the bow and arrow? 

25,000 years ago

Historians suggest that people were using as far back as 25,000 years ago, when it was used mainly as a weapon of war. But, now is primarily used for hunting and target shooting.


Who is Robin Hoods greatest enemy? 

Sheriff of Nottingham


In which year did Thomas Edison introduce a system of electric lighting in New York City?


Thomas A. Edison introduced a system of electric lighting in New York City in 1882, marking the beginning of the age of electricity.  


River flow in what direction? 

rivers flow downhill because of gravity. They often take a path with the least resistance, and this path can follow any direction, including south, north, west, or east, or other directions in between the four coordinate

Is a dead raddle snake safe to handle? 

NO snakes—like many other reptiles—retain their reflexes even hours after death. The bite reflex is extremely strong in venomous snakes, because their instinct is to deliver one extremely quick bite, move away, and wait for their venom to work.


What is a tradition picnic drink? 



In what US state can you NOT push a LIVE moose out of an airplane? 

Hint: they live in this cold place by nature 

In Alaska, a peculiar law prohibits pushing a live moose out of an airplane. Believe it or not. this unusual regulation addresses concerns for both the welfare of the moose and safety considerations for people on the ground. The law helps prevent potential harm to the moose during a fall and protects property or individuals from unexpected impacts. Although the circumstances that would prompt such behavior are rare, the law remains a unique aspect of Alaska’s legal landscape.


_______ countries do not have a single river

18 countries do not have a single river.


What it the bag that holds the arrows called? 


What does Robin call his group of loyal followers? 

Merry Men 


What is the principle of laissez-faire?

Laissez-faire is a principle of economic policy that holds that the government should keep hands off business. This means that under the policy employers are free to arrange working conditions in whatever way they pleased, which can lead to grave problems for workers.


Rivers generate what type of power? 

Rivers generate power. Hydropower accounts for some 16 percent of the world’s electricity


What is the snake pictured below likely to do? 

Strike its coiled and ready to defend itself 


How does one usually carry picnic food? 

picnic basket 


In which US state can you NOT carry an ice cream cone in your pocket? 

Hint: its the peach state 

Carrying an ice cream cone in your back pocket is illegal (Georgia)

In Georgia, carrying an ice cream cone in your back pocket is illegal. This quirky law has its roots in the state’s effort to prevent theft. Back in the day, people could attempt to lure horses away by placing an ice cream cone in their back pocket, as it was a convenient place to stash the treat. The law was introduced to curb this sneaky trick, protecting horses from being stolen. Today, the law stands as a peculiar piece of Georgia’s legal history, but it remains a state with a rich equestrian culture, so perhaps it’s not as strange a law as you might think! 


In what WI city it is illegal to WORRY a squirrel and play CHECKRES in public? 

Hint: home to the Dahl Auto Museum and annual Oktoberfest celebration 

In La Crosse, it is illegal to worry a squirrel or play checkers in public.


What is another name for someone who shoots a bow and arrow? 

An archer is someone who shoots arrows using a bow. 


Whom was the King who pardoned Robin Hood? 

King Richard 


What were one of the first uses of steam engines? 

to pump water out of coal minds

As early as 1720, steam engines were used to pump water out of coal mines in order to prevent flooding. This was one of the first uses of steam engines, and it was essential for the development of the coal and iron industries.


Free-flowing rivers, which are largely unaffected by human intervention, are found in remote areas like the ______ and ________ basins and the ______.

Free-flowing rivers, which are largely unaffected by human intervention, are found in remote areas like the Amazon and Congo basins and the Arctic.


What do we usually say one should do if bit by a snake? 

Bonus: Does it work? 

Suck out the venom 

NO This myth was even perpetuated in old Boy Scout handbooks. But it doesn't work. Sucking the venom out can cause the poison to spread to the mouth 


What is the most common picnic dessert? 

Brownies or Pies 


In _________, it's perfectly legal to drive down a one-way road, as long as you have a lantern attached to your vehicle.

Hint: cotton state or the heart of Dixie 

In Alabama, it's perfectly legal to drive down a one-way road, as long as you have a lantern attached to your vehicle.


A lighting bolt is _______times hotter than the surface of the sun.

A lightning bolt is five times hotter than the surface of the Sun. The charge carried by a bolt of lightning is so intense that it has a temperature of 30,000°C (54,000°F).


What is the wooden or metal part of the bow called? (where the archer hangs on)

Bow or Grip or upper and lower limb 


What COLOR is Robin hood said to always be wearing? 

Robin Hood is traditionally depicted wearing Lincoln green, a cloth made in Lincoln that became famous through legend. In one 18th century ballad, Robin Hood and his men wear Lincoln green in the forest to symbolize their unity with nature and devotion to each other. The color also helps them blend into the scenery while in Sherwood.


Which country is credited with beginning the Industrial Revolution? 

Hint: NOT the United States 

Great Britain

The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain around the time of the American Revolution. It was in Great Britain where machines were first used to make cloth and steam engines to run the machines. From Britain, the Industrial Revolution spread gradually throughout Europe and to the United States.



Rivers form many landforms as they pass try to name 3 

These include waterfalls, gorges, interlocking spurs, potholes, and V-shaped valleys. Depositional landforms  deltas, levees, and plains. Deltas are fan-like formations created when a river meets the sea and deposits the sediment it's carrying. canyons, oxbow lakes, rapids, cataracts, estuaries, and alluvial plains. 


What is it called when scientist extract venom from a snake to study for usage of anti venom? 

Milking the venom 


What bear is famous for stealing picnic's? 

Bonus: What is his side kicks name? 

Yogi and Boo Boo


In what landlocked state is it illegal to hunt whales on a SUNDAY? 

Hint: The buckeye state

 It’s illegal to fish for whales on Sunday (Ohio)

Ohio is a landlocked state with no access to the ocean, so if you can find a whale on Monday thru Saturday, then go right ahead! 


The industural revoluiton was great in many ways but it brought about some negitive things as well. Try to name 3 

Horrible living and working conditions 

poor nutrition and child labor 

Mental Health concerns and discrimination against woman 

Environmental Harm and some food shortages 


What is dry firing?

drawing and releasing without an arrow in the bow

Dry firing is bad for the bow limbs. One of the first things a beginner is taught is not to fire the bow without an arrow in it.


Robin Hood was known by another name what was it? 

Robin of Locksley



What were the three inventions that opened the way for the later machines of the Industrial Revolution?

The three inventions that opened the way for the later machines of the Industrial Revolution were the crude, slow-moving steam engine built by Thomas Newcomen (1712); Kay’s flying shuttle (1733), which enabled one person to handle a wide loom more rapidly than two persons could operate it before; and a frame for spinning cotton thread with rollers, first set up by Lewis Paul and John Wyatt (1741).


Today the ______ is often called the 'Old Man River'

Today, the Mississippi is often called 'Old Man River'.


What is a raddle snake's raddle made out of? 

(What material) 

The rattle is made up of various interlocking rings of keratin, the same material that human hair, skin, and nails are made of. When the snake holds up and vibrates the end of its tail, the keratin segments knock against each other and produce a unique hissing sound to ward off potential predators.


Where does the word picnic come from?

In French, piquer means "to peck," as a bird does when eating. Nique means "something trivial" or "a trifle." Both words, combined with the fact that they rhyme, create a playful, happy-sounding portmanteau: a word made from two others mashed together.

appeared in America in 1748 


It what state is it illegal to harass Big Foot? 

It’s illegal to harass Bigfoot or Sasquatch (Washington)

This is based on an actual ordinance in Skamania County, Washington. Skamania County passed an ordinance in 1969 (and amended it in 1984) that makes it illegal to hunt, harass, or harm Bigfoot or Sasquatch. 

The ordinance is of course a joke on the local tradition and a nod to the area’s association with Bigfoot sightings. The law includes a potential penalty of a fine or even jail time for violating it, so just in case you do see him, leave him alone! 


Who left a family photo on the moon? 

Hint: not Neil Armstrong 

When Apollo 16 astronaut Charles Duke landed on the Moon in 1972, he decided to leave behind a photo of him, his two sons and his wife. The photo remains on the Moon to this day.
