These laws were created in the South in the late 1800's to keep non-white people away from white people.
What are the Jim Crow Laws?
On June 17, 2021 this president signed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act.
Who is Joe Biden?
On January 1, 1863 Abraham Lincoln issued this statement which gave freedom to all those enslaved in the Confederacy.
What is the Emancipation Proclamation?
In 1907 Thomas and Mattie White bought 5 acres of land in East Austin Texas and named it this.
What is Emancipation Park.
Ms. Nerney is making this tart and tasty beverage for the FRDHS Juneteenth cookout.
What is strawberry lemonade?
This activist was instrumental in helping the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Who is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.?
In 2016 this 89-year-old retired school teacher walked 1402 miles from Fort Worth, Texas to Washington, D.C. to bring attention to Juneteenth
Who is Opal Lee?
The voyage that enslaved people made over the Atlantic was known as this.
What is the Middle Passage?
This period in history that lasted from 1916-1970 helped spread Juneteenth to other parts of the country.
What is the Great Migration.
This teacher, known for her baking skills, is making red velvet cupcakes.
Who is Mrs. Sweeney?
This song is known as the Black National Anthem.
What is "lift every voice and sing?"
This spy posed as a slave in Jefferson Davis's home where she had access to confederate battle plans which she passed on to the Union Army.
Who is Mary Bowser?
After the Civil War former enslaved people often had to support themselves by working on farms in a system known as this.
What is sharecropping?
In this contest, young Black women write essays about Black history and bring awareness to causes that are important to them.
What is Miss Juneteenth?
To symbolize the blood shed by slaves, many of the foods enjoyed at Juneteenth celebrations are traditionally this color.
What is red?
Opal Tometi, Alicia Garza, and Patrice Cullors were responsible for creating this organization in 2013.
What is Black Lives Matter?
This Texas congresswoman was instrumental in getting the Juneteenth Act passed.
Who is Sheila Lee Jackson?
This amendment to the Constitution gave the right to vote to Black male citizens.
What is the 15th Amendment?
The official Juneteenth flag, which is often hung at celebrations, contains these colors?
What are red, white and blue?
It wouldn't be a Deaconess cookout if Russ didn't slice up some of this juicy summertime fruit.
What is watermelon?
The name of the town in Texas where General Order No. 3 was proclaimed.
What is Galveston?
In addition to working towards having Martin Luther King Jr's birthday recognized as a federal holiday, he also introduced a bill in 1979 to make Juneteenth at state holiday in Texas.
Who is Al Edwards?
As a member of the 54th all-Black regiment he was the first African-American to perform a Medal of Honor action.
Who is William H. Carney?
This popular app helped Americans celebrate Juneteenth in 2020.
What is Zoom?
These beans symbolize luck and prosperity.
What are black-eyed peas?