Who is the main character
Junie B Jones
What did the girl with curly hair do when Junie B sat down
She was saveing a seat for her friend
What made Junie b feel better about riding the bus
Her mother finds a nice girl she can sit with
What does Junie B call her teacher
What color hair does Junie B have
What grade is Junie B in
What is Junie B attitude all the time
Why did Junie b call 911
She had to use the bathroom
What is Junie B’s first name
Juniper Beatrice Jones
How old is Junie b jones
What happened to Junie b in the nurse
She rooms through out the school trying out equipment in the nurses office
What happened when Junie b fell down on the bus
She got stepped on
Who is Junie b jones best friend
Lucille and grace
Who sat next her on the bus
Who starts sitting with her on the bus
What did Junie b find and stick on herself
Band aids
What did Jim tell Junie b
When you rid the bus u get chocolate milk on your head
Why was Junie b holding her foot up to mrs
To show her the new shoes she got
Why did junie not say to the other girl
She is from a different street
Why was Willam haveing a emergency
He had to go to the bathroom
What was the bus drivers name
Mrs woo
Who can write faster Lucille or Junie
Why was Junie b stamping her feet
She does not want to ride the bus
What is junie b’s favorite thing in the media center
The electric sharpener
What did Junie show her teacher
Her new hat