who is the main character
Junie b Jones
what grade is she in
what did the girl on the bus do when Junie b sat down
the girl was saving the seat for one of her friends.
why did Junie B call 911
She calls 911 because she needs to use the bathroom but their locked. The police and the fire fighters came to the school.
how old is Junie B Jones
what is her attitude all the time
what made Junie b feel better about riding the bus
her mother finds her a nice friend to sit with on the bus.
what happened to Junie b in the nurses office
she roams through several rooms trying out various school supplies and equipment in the nurse's office
who is Junie B's best friends
Lucille,and Grace
what is Junie B Jones real name
Juniper Beatrice Jones
what color hair does Junie B Jones have
what happened when Junie B fell down on the bus
she got stepped on
What does Junie B call her teacher