Self Knowledge
Be a Success
Career Clusters
Keeping Your Balance

Name 1 component of Self-Knowledge

1.What are Skills?

2. What are Values?

3. What are Interests?

Define what a goal is

What is something that person wants or works for?


Provide an example of a value

What are honesty, loyalty, love, integrity, wisdom, peace, happiness, achievement, etc?


Name a career that would fall into the Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources

Environmental Engineer, Florist, Farmer, Biochmeist, etc.


True or False: Of the 20 FASTEST-growing occupations at least half of them require an associates (2 year college degree).



Define what an interest is

What is a person's preferred activity or hobby?


Define what an incentive is and name 1 type of incentive.

What is something that motivates someone?  Examples are monetary ($) and Non-Monetary incentives

Provide an example of a career cluster and name a job within that cluster.

What is Law, Public Safety and Security? Ex. Lawyer, Police officer, Judge, Military Officer


Provide an example of a career in the Manufacturing business cluster.

What is Manufacturing engineer, Mechanic, Computer Integration Technologist?


True or False: Jobs that require a master’s degree will grow the slowest through the year 2020, while those that require just a high school diploma will grow the fastest.

FALSE: Jobs that require a master’s degree will grow the FASTEST through the year 2020, while those that require just a high school diploma will grow the SLOWEST.


Define what self-knowledge is

What is a person's awareness of the special qualities he or she has including skills, interests and values?


Define what motivation is

What is a driving force that directs a person's behavior?


Please provide an example of a non-monetary incentive and explain why an individual would be incentived in this way.

Various Answers would apply


Provide an example of a career within the Finance Career Cluster

What is Financial Planner, Stockbroker, Insurance Agent, Accountant, Economist?


Define what a budget is and provide an example of one thing a person can budget for.

What is a careful plan for spending money and saving within a certain period of time?  

Ex. Budgets can be created for expenses like entertainment, shopping, housing, cars, etc.


Define a skill and explain the difference between a skill and an interest

Skills are a person's talents or abilities.  These are different than interests because skills usually take time to learn and specialize in whereas interests pertain more to what a person enjoys doing rather than what they are actually good at doing?


Provide 2 examples of non-monetary incentives

What are fulling interests, values, social concerns or family traditions?

Provide an example of how you can commit to fulfilling your goals and aspirations post high school (Think of the Career Goal Pocket Books we created)

Intern, Shadow a professional, research the profession, take classes tailored towards that profession, etc.


Provide an example of a career within the Information Technology Career Cluster?

What is a technical writer, multimedia producer, database manager, web designer, software engineer, computer programmer, etc.?


Provide the definition for gross income

What is the income BEFORE taxes have been taken deducted from your paycheck?


Please provide an explanation as to why values are an important component of the self-knowledge triangle.

What is values are important in life and work because they can help people define their passion and purpose in life?  

Explain why a person would want to obtain a higher education when keeping monetary ($) incentives in mind.

What is that earning more money motivates people many people to receive a higher education?


1. Define a consequence.  

2. True or False: Consequences are strictly negative and can never be positive.

1. What is a result of a decision or action?

2. What is False- Consequences can be good such as receiving a reward (A) for sacrificing hanging out with friends on a Thursday night to study for your test on Friday


Provide an example of a career within the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Career Cluster.

What is a Biologist, Electrical engineer, Food scientist, astronomer, mathematician, chemical engineer, meteorologist, electrician, computer engineer?


Please provide the definition for Net Income.

What is the income after all taxes have been deducted from your paycheck?
