Who built the first altar? (Genesis 8:20)
How many plagues were cast onto Egypt? (Exodus 7-11)
In what city was Jesus born? (Matthew 2:1)
Who was tricked by a serpent in the Garden of Eden? (Genesis 3)
What is the name of the second book in the Bible?
Which two wicked cities were destroyed by God in Genesis? (Genesis 19:12)
Sodom and Gomorrah
What was the first plague? (Exodus 7:14)
Water turned to blood
What type of insect did John the Baptist eat in the desert? (Matthew 3:4)
What was Sarah’s previous name? (Genesis 17:15)
How many books of the Bible are named after women?
2- Ruth and Ester
What kind of wood was used to make Noah’s Ark? (Genesis 6:14)
Gopher wood
What was the last plague on Egypt? (Exodus 12:29)
Death of the first born
Matthew was a _________. (Matthew 10:3)
Tax collector
What Philistine woman asked Samson where his power came from? (Judges 16:18)
How many books are in the New Testament?
When Jacob wanted to marry Rachel, what did he have to do? (Genesis 29:16-30)
Be a servant to Laban for 14 years
Which king of Israel had a reputation as a fast and furious chariot driver? (2 Kings 9:20)
Who were the first apostles called to follow Jesus? (Matthew 4:18)
Peter and Andrew
Who is the only woman whose age is mentioned in the Bible? (Genesis 18:11)
What is the longest book in the Bible?
What is the longest name in the Bible? (Isaiah 8:1)
Mahershalalhashbaz, which is also written Maher-shalal-hash-baz
Who was Israel’s first high priest? (Exodus 28)
According to the Bible, how many pearly gates are there? (Revelation 21:12-21)
What was the name of Moses and Aaron's sister? (Exodus 15:20)
The name of God is not mentioned in only one book of the Bible. Which one is it?
The book of Ester