What is FAFSA?
Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
Scholarship money you can get from the federal government. Application opens around October 1st. You can apply online and it is free for everyone.
What classes should I pick?
Any classes that are helpful for what you might want to study in college.
How should I find a roommate?
You can reach out the people on Instagram or the school website to get in contact with your possible roommate. That way you get to know them before living with them.
Do I still have to do service hours?
Yes, service hours are required for all four years of high school. Don't wait until the last year of high school to get them done. Stay on top of them and get them done.
College Visits
College visits are important to see if you like the campus and the school you wish to attend. It is important that you like the campus and area because that is where you will spend the majority of your time.
You can set up a meeting with a student or advisor from the college and they can give you a guided tour.
How many scholarships should I apply to?
As many as you can.
Can I work during my senior year?
Yes, we encourage you to get a job that way you can start saving early and have enough money to spend on yourself and for schooling. It is manageable to have a job while also being in school. And it is helpful in maintaining a social life.
SAT and Tests
Study at least 2 months prior to the SAT and even though some schools have SAT optional admission, it will still help you with your admission and you can get more money in scholarships from a higher SAT or any test score.
College Essay
Prepare your essay ahead of time and write about something you are passionate about and can inspire others with (They do not like sappy stories).
Take challenging courses
Taking courses such as AP and doing well in those classes will allow you to get that college credit for the class and you will not have to take it again once you get into college.
It is a good thing to take APs and challenging classes that way you are more prepared for what a college class will be like.
Are scholarships helpful for college?
Yes, any extra money toward funding your education is helpful. Even if you get a small amount, it is still helpful to your overall tuition.
Is senior year hard?
It depends on what type of work you put on yourself and what classes you take. Senioritis plays a big role but you need to stay motivated to finish.
When do I start applying for college?
As soon as the application for your desired school opens you should apply. Most schools have early admission. You should apply to as many as you can and have many options to choose from.
You will work on resumes during your junior-year English class. Make sure to add all of your accomplishments but keep it plain and simple, you want it to be easy to read.
What if I do not get into my top college?
Even if you get deferred or rejected, you could choose a different school or you can go to the community college and get those credits while saving money. When you graduate from a real college later on you will be graduating from that college, not from community college. This is a good way to save money and also become more prepared for starting college.
How do I find Scholarships?
Mrs. King sends emails out all throughout your senior year and you can apply online to as many as possible. And Mrs. King hosts information sessions about college and scholarships. There are also apps you can download.
Should I keep trying after I've already committed to a school?
Yes, schools still look at your grades even after you have committed and they can take away your scholarship or commitment. It is important to not slack off and try your best.
Commuting vs Dorming
Most schools require on-campus living but you can request not to. Dorming doubles the total cost of tuition but most schools require 2 years of on-campus living and then you can get a place on your own off-campus.
Do not get a dorm with your friends, find some separation and make new friends.
Getting organized
During your junior year, you should begin planning everything out about your senior year and have a plan of the schools you want to apply to and try to get a head start on as much as you can. It will make everything else a lot easier.
Being a part of extracurriculars is important because colleges look at what you do inside and outside of school. They want to see that you are a part of the community and focus on things other than just school. This includes sports and other clubs that are a part and separate from school.
Will I be eligible for Scholarships?
Yes, even if you do not fit the requirements for a specific scholarship, you should still apply for as many as you can.
Can I still have fun?
Yes, do not take it so seriously, and continue having fun and hanging out with your friends. It is important to have a support system and spend time with them as much as you can especially before you leave for college.
Finding a Major
Choose something that will interest you and you will be happy learning about it. It is ok to go in undecided or change it a few times. Don't let money persuade your choices.
Making new friends
Everyone going to college is in the same situation as you. You should get in contact with people who are going to the same school as you and get to know them that way you know some people and are not totally alone in a new place.
Should I choose a school that my friend goes to?
Find a school that provides good support and resources for the major that you choose. You should make your decision based on what the school offers, the tuition, and personal preference. Do not choose a school that your friend is going to.