Which thickener is made of equal parts flour and fat?
Best cooking method for whole turkey.
Best cooking method for Hard Boiled Eggs
The browning that occurs when sugars are heated, resulting in a richer, more complex aroma and flavor.
How many cups are in a quart?
4 cups = 1 quart
What is a slurry?
A thickener made from water and cornstarch
A cooking method that uses radiation from a heat source located above the food.
Best cooking method for eggs in Eggs Benedict.
To quickly brown the outside of food, creating a crusty layer. Mostly done with meat.
How many Teaspoon in a Tablespoon
What sauce is made from butter, heavy cream and parmesan cheese?
Alfredo Sauce
A cooking method that uses radiation from a heat source located below the food.
Best cooking method for vegetables to retain color, texture and nutrients.
Cooking food in a small amount of fat using low heat in order to soften the food without browning. Mostly done with vegetables
Which is more; 6 cups or 2 quarts?
2 Quarts
What is a sauce made from the juices of cooked meat and brown stock called?
Name 3 dry-heat cooking methods that use fat or oil.
• Sautéing • Pan-frying • Stir-frying • Deep-frying
Name 3 moist-heat cooking methods.
• Simmering • Poaching and shallow poaching • Blanching • Steaming
Cooking technique that adds liquid to a hot pan to dissolve browned bits of food to use as flavoring to create a sauce
What is 1 1/2 cups tripled?
4.5 cups
List the 5 classical grand sauces that are the basis for most other sauces.
• Béchamel • Velouté • Brown/espagnole • Tomato • Hollandaise
Name 3 dry-heat cooking methods that do not use fat.
• Broiling • Grilling • Roasting • Baking
Name the two step process of boiling food partially and then plunging the food into ice water.
"Blanching" and Shocking
This is the term for the browning of meat, which is caused by the caramelization of sugars in the presence of proteins
Maillard reaction
What is 1 1/2 quarts plus 3 cups?
2 1/4 Quarts or 9 cups