What color vestment do Priest wear during Lent?
On what days are Catholics required to fast during Lent?
How many days are there in lent?
How many times does Jesus fall in the Stations?
What St. is celebrated in Lent?
What is the first day of Lent called?
Ash Wednesday
Where does the ash come from?
Palm used on Palm Sunday that have been burnt
Asking for forgiveness and guidance
What is Holy Thursday, Holy Friday, and Holy Saturday Called?
Holy Week
When does Lent start and end?
March 5 Wed
April 17 Thu
What the goal of Lent?
Spiritual renewal in Christ
What word is never said or sing during Lent?
Which day of the week is not counted in the 40 days of Lent ?
What do Catholics abstain from eating on Fridays during Lent?
Why does lent last 40 days?
Represent the time Jesus spent in the wilderness, Tempted by Satan
How many Stations of the Cross are there?
On what Sunday during Lent does the priest bless palms?
Palm Sunday
What was the original meaning of Lent?
What was Jesus last word's?
Father, forgive them for they know not what they do