Duty to Report
Duty to Report con't
Legislative Framework
Legislative Framework con't
Evaluates nurses' awareness of any provincial and federal laws, provincial standards and regulatory policies that would relate to their nursing practice in Nova Scotia
What is the jurisprudence exam
A document that is designed to help RNs understand their legal and ethical responsibilities and to offer guidance should RNs encounter these challenging situations in their practice setting; it outlines steps that RNs and employers should follow when such care is witnessed and summarizes the types of support made available from the College.
What is the Practice Guideline of Registered Nurses Duty to Report?
Any concern or situation that either compromises client care by placing a client at risk or affect an RN’s ability to provide care consistent with the Standards and Code of Ethics
What is a professional practice issue?
These three documents outline what the College must do to carry out the mandate of self-regulation (the scope of self-regulation is found within these documents) (defines the privilege of self-regulation)
What is the RN Act, Regulations and Bylaws
4 Broad categories of unacceptable conduct defined in the RN Act and the Regulations
What is professional misconduct, conduct unbecoming, incompetence and incapacity?
Improper or unethical conduct or unreasonable lack of skill by a holder of a professional or official position; often applied to physicians, dentists, lawyers and public officers to denote negligent or unskillful performance of duties when professional skills are obligatory.
What is mal practice?
Allows professionals, including RN’s of Nova Scotia, to be accountable and responsible to ensure clients are provided safe, competent, compassionate, ethical nursing care?
What is self-regulated professionals?
Reporting the situation to the appropriate manager/director using the established change of authority in the workplace while maintaining confidentiality, documenting your concerns in writing (including dates, times and description of the behavior that was witnessed, indicating how the behavior violates specific standards of practice, code of ethics or organizational policy, maintaining confidentiality using initials and room numbers instead of names), and not including the documentation of the professional practice concern in the client record
What is the formal process of an organization in place for reporting behavior concerns?
This group of individuals determines what will be in the Act and subsequently proclaims it as law
What are the public's elected provincial representatives?
Conduct or acts relevant to the profession that, having regard to all the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded as disgraceful, dishonorable, or unprofessional that, without limiting the generality of the foregoing. Examples include: failing to maintain the standards for nursing practice, failing to uphold the Code of Ethics, abusing a person, wrongfully abandoning a client, neglect to provide care to a client, falsifying record.
What is professional misconduct?
Failure to use such care as a reasonably prudent and careful person would use under similar circumstances.
What is negligence?
RN’s have a legal and ethical obligation to report incompetent, unethical or impaired practice of an RN , or unethical conduct by any regulated health professional, to the college or appropriate regulatory body as outlined in which documents?
What is the Registered Nurses Act, Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses and Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses?
-Have you witnessed the health professional practicing in a manner that you consider to be incompetent or non-compassionate? -Has the professional practiced in a manner inconsistent with their Standards of Practice, Code of Ethics, or organizational policies? -Are clients being put at risk as a result of the actions of the professional? -Is the professional unwilling or unable to change his/her behavior?
What are some questions to consider when determining if you need to take action?
It is a guardian for society and acts as an agent of government in regulating the members to protect the public’s health and welfare. It provides the scope of the College’s authority to regulate the practice of nursing in NS.
What is the RN Act?
Conduct in a member’s personal or private capacity that tends to being discredit upon the nursing profession. Examples include committing fraud, stealing or possessing and/or trafficking in drugs
What is conduct unbecoming?
They have the courage to lead, confidence to challenge, commitment to care. They also advance the social, economic and work lives of nurses.
What is the Nova Scotia Nurses Union?
A legislative document that establishes the legal responsibilities for Registered Nurses?
What is the Registered Nurses' Act?
Reporting a situation that involves a member of another discipline, the RN should contact?
What is the appropriate regulatory body for that professional?
The authority is given to the Council to establish these as a framework for many college’s regulatory activities such as registration, licensing, statutory committees and professional conduct; which form the basis for many College’s policies. What are Regulations (p.27)
What are the Regulations?
The display of lack of knowledge, skill or judgment in the respondent’s care of a client or deliver of nursing services that, have regard to all the circumstances, rendered the respondent unsafe to practice at the time of such care or delivery of nursing services or that renders the respondent unsafe to continue to practice without remedial assistance.
What is incompetence?
Means having an awareness of legislation, standards and regulatory policies impacting one’s field of work. It also includes knowing how these principles and theories could be applied on a day-to-day basis.
What is Jurisprudence?
Based on which document does an RN have the ethical responsibility to question and report, “unsafe, non-compassionate or incompetent practices or conditions that interfere with their (RN) ability to provide safe and compassionate competent ethical care”? What is the Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses
What is the Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses'?
The document that states: "every employer or agency that procures employment for a registered nurse must notify the college if an RN has been terminated or is the RN has resigned because of allegations or professional misconduct, conduct unbecoming the profession, incompetence or incapacity.
What is the RN Act?
These deal with administrative matters such as registration fees, management and disposal of College property, the election of officers and other functions and activities.
What are the bylaws?
The status whereby a respondent, at the time of the subject matter of a complaint or a report pursuant to subsection 73(1), suffered from a medical, physical, mental or emotional condition, disorder or addiction that rendered the respondent unable to practice with reasonable skill or judgement or that may have endangered the health or safety of clients
What is incapacity?