The word "Lamp" is this type of syllable.
What is a closed syllable?
The prefix "dis" means...
The blend "str" says...
What is "str" as in street?
The "e" makes what sound in "teleport"
What is "eh" or short "e"
This word says (super)
What is "super"
The word "write" is this type of syllable.
What is v-c-e syllable?
When you add the prefix "non" to living, the word now means...
What is "not living"?
The blend spl says...
What is "spl" as in splendid?
The "ch" makes what sound in "chopsticks"
What is "ch"
This word says "superstition"
What is "superstition"
"Jumping" has this many syllables.
What is 2 syllables?
When you add the prefix "trans" to "transatlantic" the word means...
What is "going across the Atlantic"?
The blend "fl" says....
What is "fl" as in flip?
The "cr" makes what sound in "cram"
What is "cr"
This word says "stampede"
What is "stampede"?
"Intelligent" has this many syllables
What is 4 syllables?
When you add the prefix "mis" to misinterpret, it means...
What is to interpret something incorrectly or badly?
The blend "br" says...
What is "br" as in brake?
What is long "i"
This nonsense word says "flubeless"
What is "flubeless"?
What is 4 syllables?
When you add the prefix "un" to unprepared, it means...
What is "not prepared" or not ready?
The blend "spr" says....
What is "spr" as in spring?
The "qu" makes what sound in "quarter"
What is "qu"
This nonsense word says " quokeful"
What is "quokeful"?