A Passion for Fashion
Drunk and Disorderly
Fight or Flight
The Animal Kingdom
Just Disorderly
It's All Fun and Games

One of JVC’s favorite style of shirts, is named after this sport

What is Rugby?


What JVC did to his father’s shoes in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

What is pee on them?


John made many flights to and from this Naval aircraft carrier, as well as a voyage with it around the horn to San Diego.

What is the USS Kitty Hawk?


This "good good boy" is considered the smartest dog John ever owned and was named after this football star. 

Who is Dexter Manley? 


John responded with this after being scolded by Memaw for kicking his mother

What is "How about I kick you?"

This game was the catalyst for John inflicting a life long injury on his "poor unsuspecting sister" 

What is the Mushmouse and Punkin' Puss game?


You should never play or do yard work in these type of pants!

What are dress jeans?


Arriving late to this family holiday activity, high school JVC struggled mightily, gave up and went to bed

What is hang ornaments on the Christmas tree?


This nutritious but detestable plant matter should never be found on John’s plate.

What is a vegetable?


This rodeo ride is also John's favorite car

What is a (Ford) Mustang?


This is activity will cause you to end up like Aggie Blain

What is lean too far back in your chair?


This nickname serves as a warning as well as John's Christmas alter ego. 

What is Grumpy Elf?


JVCs favorite pair of short shorts is made from this fall/winter fabric

What is corduroy?


The reason JVC didn’t win the trip to Mexico when he ran onto the stage and successfully knocked open the pinata at the restaurant?

What is "the contest was not on that day"?


This man, also known as John Willard Van Cleaf III, flew fighter aircraft for the United States Navy until 1996.

Who is Jersey?


While camping this wild animal almost made JVC the youngest sibling again

What is a bear?


This allergic reaction famously ruined what was already shaping up to be a rough first school dance for John in Naperville, IL.

What is hay fever?


"Why oh Why" is what "The Quake" end up saying at the end of every fantasy season named for this famous quarterback

Who is Y.A. Tittle?


These dyeable fabric shoes John now knows grace the feet of many a bridesmaid who don't want to settle for a kitten heel. 

What are peau de soie pumps?


The height of the wall that JVC fell off and was injured at University of Illinois

What is 18 inches (anything under two feet acceptable)


This twin-engine fighter aircraft sent John to supersonic speeds as he piloted it in the 80’s and early 90’s.

What is the F-14 Tomcat?


According to Poppy, Bubba couldn't hit this in the rear with a banjo?

What is a cow?


This member of the Civil Defense Patrol wore a FULL basketball on his head for greater protection as well as to signify leadership.

Who is the Imperial Pooba? (Imperial Leader also acceptable)


John brought a rock to this game which lead to sibling stitches

What is Tag?

Ruffled tuxedo shirts popularity kicked into high gear when some fashion-forward celebrities wore such shirts to this annual event in 1959.

What is the Academy Awards?


It takes this many drunk men to remove a foot-thick concrete slab at 938 Honore.

What is Three?


John and Bubba went on a perilous, nearly life-threatening canoeing trip down this river.

What is the Lehigh?

John shot this animal hiding under his deck, clad only in his skivvies 

What is an armadillo?


The wheels off this piece of sporting equipment helped John get a boat down Deer Path Court

What is a skateboard?


The name of JVC's debut football team.

What is the Bull Pups?


This gentlemen said "That's a nice shirt John, do they make it for men?"

Who is Geno Byrnes?


This "antibiotic" was dosed out frequently on a recent Van Cleaf trip to Scotland.

What is Penicillin?


Pilot John masterfully used this maneuver, which consists of repeatedly lifting the nose of a plane to naturally slow it down, to land a jet stuck in acceleration while training fighter pilots in Kingsville, TX.

What is a stuck throttle approach?


John briefly owned this snake named after this Football player. 

Who is Otis Wilson? 


The Civil Defense Patrol famously offered their services for FREE to protect their community from this impending hazard.

What is Skylab is Falling?


Davey Kaiser injured JVC using this piece of sport equipment

What is a croquet mallet?
