He was tempted by the devil numerous times but never gave in.
This was Israel's first king when the people cried to Samuel for a ruler.
King Saul
"In the Beginning God created the ...."
(Genesis 1:1)
"heavens and the earth"
Jehovah called her princess
A native of the Chaldean city of Ur, this man proved to be a man of faith in Jehovah later earning the title "The father of all those having faith while in uncircumcision".
This was the ruler who condemned Jesus to death.
This King wanted to build a temple for Jehovah, however he wasn't selected so instead he donated money towards the project.
King David
"Be wise my son, and make my heart rejoice,..."
(Prov 27:11)
"So that I can make a reply to him who taunts me".
This woman was a Moabite and had deep love for her mother-in-law and her sincere desire to serve Jehovah
The Apostle Paul lists this man as the first man of faith, unfortunately the same couldn't be said of his brother.
He denied Jesus a number of times when people accused of him being seen with "the christ"
This was a good king, and because of his faith, Jehovah sent his angel to kill 185,000 Assyrian soldiers.
King Hezekiah
"The one walking with the wise will become wise, But the one who has dealings with the stupid..."
(Prov 13:20)
"Will fare badly."
Although just an orphan, this woman was raised by her cousin Mordecai and was made Queen who stood up for God's people
When Saul entered a cave, this man who was hiding in the back cut off the skirt of Saul's garment and spared his life.
The imprisoned criminal guilty of robbery, sedition, and murder whom Pilate set free in place of Jesus.
This was the third king of Judah, he removed his grandmother Maacah from the position of “queen mother, because she had made an obscene idol.”
King Asa
"Salt is fine, but if the salt ever loses its saltiness,..."
(Mark 9:50)
"With what will you season it?"
This was a woman of remarkable faith, and even though there is little in the Bible about her, her faith in in the resurrection brought back her brother.
Jehovah assigned this person to act as Moses' spokesman before Pharaoh
Who is Aaron?
The high priest’s slave who accompanied Judas Iscariot and the crowd to Gethsemane, where Christ was arrested. Peter struck off this man’s right ear with a sword
Despite the fact that Isaiah, Hosea, and Micah all actively prophesied during his reign, rank idolatry marked this king's reign. He not only allowed it among his subjects but also personally and regularly engaged in pagan sacrificing,
King Ahaz
"So never be anxious and say, ‘What are we to eat?’ or, ‘What are we to drink?’ or..."
(Matt 6:31)
"What are we to wear?"
When the Israelite spies went to the city of Jericho, they stayed at this woman's house who hid the two spies on the roof and sent the soldiers in another direction.
Although all of the wise men could not interpret this King's dreams, this man not only tells him his dream by divine revelation but interprets the dream, saving himself from execution.