The exiled Jews knew that the river wasn't a literal river because of this
Additionally, those exiled Jews who remembered the topography of their homeland likely knew that a river could not naturally flow from Jerusalem to the Dead Sea, for that would require flowing uphill in places.
Name one of the four heartening assurances about the renewed nation of Israel received from Ezekiel's final vision
First, pure worship would be restored in God’s temple. Second, righteous priests and shepherds would lead the restored nation. Third, land inheritances would be reserved for all those who would return to Israel. And fourth, Jehovah would be with them, dwelling among them again.
The earthly administration is made up of these individuals represented by the chieftain
This chieftain makes us think particularly of congregation overseers today who are not spirit-anointed. These caring spiritual shepherds from among the “other sheep” are humble earthly servants of Christ’s heavenly government.
Abraham’s offspring totals this number
Jehovah said that Abraham’s offspring would become like “the grains of sand on the seashore.” (Gen. 22:17, 18) Yet, the number who made up his offspring ended up being 144,001 individuals
The river or blessing flows from here
EZEKIEL sees yet another marvel in his temple vision: There is a stream flowing from the sacred structure
The places abandoned to salt represent this
Not all would accept Jehovah’s blessings; nor would all be healed.
The spiritual land was restored in modern times in this year
As we saw in Chapter 17 of this publication, the spiritual land is the secure spiritual environment, or realm of activity, in which the remnant of the anointed ones have been worshipping Jehovah since 1919.
This lesson is learned from the fact that the land for the special contribution was set aside first
By setting apart first the land for this special contribution and then the land for the tribes, Jehovah indicated that primary importance must be given to this spiritual center of the land
Name two of the three themes emphasized in the book of Ezekiel regarding pure worship
It requires that we (1) offer Jehovah exclusive devotion, (2) remain united in clean worship, and (3) demonstrate love for others
Name one other book of the Bible that talks about rivers of blessings
Joel, Zechariah, Revelation, and Psalms
The trees for food and healing along the riverbanks represent this
That appealing picture further reassured them that Jehovah would feed them spiritually.
Jehovah knew that, above all, the returning exiles would need spiritual healing, and he promised to provide just that.
The fact that the land was being divided precisely assured the exiles of this
Moreover, the precise division of the land among all 12 tribes underlined that every one of the returned exiles would receive a secure inheritance in the restored land. No one would return only to end up landless or homeless.
Name two of the three groups that benefited from the square piece of land called “the whole contribution”
The upper section was for the Levites, and the middle section was set aside for the temple and the priests. Those two sections formed “the holy contribution.” The smaller lower section, or “the remaining area,” was “for common use.” It was for the city.
After the Thousand Year Reign, Jehovah will show great confidence in his earthly subjects this way
Jehovah will then do something extraordinary, something that expresses great confidence in his earthly subjects. He will direct that Satan and the demons be released from the abyss in which they have been confined for the thousand years.
The name of the city in Ezekiel’s last vision is this
The name of the city is “Jehovah Is There.”
Today, the river of blessing reminds us of this
Foremost is the cleansing power of Christ’s ransom sacrifice, which makes the forgiveness of our sins possible. The pure truths of God’s Word are also likened to life-giving, cleansing water
Name one difference between the instruction given to Ezekiel and those given to Moses regarding the land and inhabitants
First, the land. Moses had been instructed to give the larger tribes more land than the smaller ones. (Num. 26:52-54) However, in Ezekiel’s vision, Jehovah gave specific instructions to assign all tribes “equal shares".
Second, the inhabitants. The Mosaic Law protected foreigners and allowed them to share in worshipping Jehovah, but they had no share in the land.
In the restored land that Ezekiel saw in vision, he observed among its inhabitants equality and unity in worship.
The well-ordered city Ezekiel saw represents this
Thus, the well-ordered city that Ezekiel saw—which was laid out as a perfect square—seems to represent a well-organized seat of administration.
It reminds us that the city refers, not to a heavenly, but to an earthly administration, which has been functioning for the benefit of all who inhabit the spiritual paradise.
Those who rebel at the end of the thousand years are called Gog and Magog because of this
Significantly, those who rebel at the end of the thousand years are called Gog and Magog. They exhibit traits similar to those shown by the rebels who Ezekiel prophesied would attack God’s people during the great tribulation.
The 12 gates of the city represent this
This large number of gates (three on each side of the square city) illustrates that the administrators of this city are approachable and available to all of God’s servants. Further, the city’s having 12 gates emphasizes that it is open to everyone, “all the house of Israel.” (Ezek. 45:6) The open character of the city serves as an important reminder to Christian overseers. Jehovah wants them to be approachable and to be readily available to all those living in the spiritual paradise.
The river of blessings symbolizes these two things in Paradise
The symbolic river will, in a sense, be far more expansive in Paradise, for its benefits will be not only spiritual but also physical.
The equal allotments of land in the Promised Land remind us of this truth today
In Ezekiel’s vision, each territory in the restored Promised Land provided its inhabitants equal access to the bounty of the land. Similarly today, Jehovah has given all his servants equal access to the blessings of the spiritual paradise.
The workers near the city represent this
They have a supportive role.
Today all inhabitants of the spiritual paradise have the opportunity to support the service of Christ’s anointed brothers and the service of those among the “great crowd” whom Jehovah has appointed to take the lead.
The declaration “they will have to know that I am Jehovah” means this to God’s enemies
For God’s enemies, that declaration will mean war and death. They will be compelled to do more than acknowledge that Jehovah exists. They will learn the hard way the meaning of his great name—“He Causes to Become.” “Jehovah of armies” will become “a powerful warrior” who will fight against them
The declaration “they will have to know that I am Jehovah” means this to God’s people
To God’s people, the declaration “they will have to know that I am Jehovah” will mean peace and life. Jehovah will cause us to become what he originally intended us to be—sons and daughters who perfectly reflect his qualities. (Gen. 1:26) Already, Jehovah has become to us a loving Father and a protective Shepherd. Soon he will become our conquering King.