
This number identifies the political system as a gross failure in God's sight, repeated for emphasis. -Revelation 13:17,18

What is 666?


This year is marked as the end of gentile times and the start of the righteous rule toward the earth by God's Kingdom. -Luke 21:24, Ezekiel 21:26,27

What is 1914?


He was on the island of Patmos when Jesus revealed to him a series of 16 visions. -Revelation

Who is the Apostle John?


The first human king to rule Israel and the last good king of Israel. -1 Samuel 9:15,16 and 2 Chronicles 34:1-28

Who are King Saul and King Josiah?


Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide took this action in response to Russia's oppression of our brothers and sisters. 

What is wrote letters to the government?


This number is often used to represent the idea of completeness or perfection. -Joshua 6:15

What is 7?


This 2020 date marks our most important day of the year. -1 Corinthians 11:20, Luke 20:19

What is the Memorial on April 7, 2020?

Gog of Magog mentioned in the book of Ezekiel was thought to be referring to Satan after he was thrown out of heaven, but deeper understanding reveals that Gog of Magog refers to this group. -Ezekiel 39

What is the group of nations that unite to try to destroy God's people?


These two kings have been in constant struggle affecting Jehovah's people down to our day. -Daniel 11:11

Who are the King of the North and the King of the South?


This action prevented Moses from entering into the promised land. -Numbers 20:9-12

What is he failed to display meekness saying HE was bringing forth the water from the crag?


This number can stand for something incomplete or imperfect or something associated with God's enemies. -Daniel 3:1, 1 Chronicles 20:6

What is 6?


This year marked the gathering of the things in the heavens, marking the birth of the Christian Congregation and of "The Israel of God". -Ephesians 1:10, Galatians 6:16, Acts 2:1-4

What is Pentecost 33 C.E.?

He revealed the great crowd would be among "the other sheep" in the 1935 convention by asking, "Will all those who have the hope of living forever on earth please stand?" -Matthew 25:33-40, John 10:16, Revelation 7:9-17

Who is J.F. Rutherford?


The 8th King in the visions of Daniel and John identified as the image of the wild beast and the scarlet-colored beast. -Revelation 13:14, 15, Revelation 17

Who is the League of Nations, the United Nations?


This action led to different languages. -Genesis 11:9

What is building the tower of Babel?


This number can represent completeness in form of function. -Revelation 7:1

What is 4?


The prophet Ezekiel was told to ie on his left side for 390 days and on his right side for 40 days.  This enactment pointed to this year, marking the exact year of Jerusalem's destruction. -Ezekiel 4:4-6, Jeremiah 19:3,4, 2 Kings 24:8-17

What is 607 B.C.E.?


He is the "Revealer of secrets". -Daniel 2:47

Who is Jehovah?


The first human king noted in the Bible as being righteous. The only human king God approved to hold the offices of King and High Priest. -Genesis 14:18

Who is Melchizedek?


This action will take place right before the beginning of Jehovah's Day. -1 Thessalonians 5:1-3

What is the nations will proclaim peace and security?


This number is often associated with a judgment period, judgment or punishment. -Genesis 7:4, Deuteronomy 25:3, Numbers 14:34, Jonah 3:4

What is 40?


The prophecy found in Ezekiel 37:15-28 notes the joining of two sticks marking the joining of these two groups. -Ezekiel 37:15-28

What are the anointed group and the great crowd Jehovah causes to become one and worship in unison?

Not to be confused with Gog of Magog- these were revealed as rebellious humans who will surround righteous humans waiting to destroy them during the final test and the end of the 1,000 years. -Revelation 20:8

Who are Gog and Magog?


When isolated in prison in Communist China from 1958 to 1963 because of his Christian faith this brother celebrated the Memorial the best way he could under the circumstances. -Proclaimers pg. 243

Who is Harold King?


This action allowed Queen Esther to approach her husband and not die. -Esther 5:2

What is the king holding out his golden scepter?
