The year that God's kingdom was established.
"It’s the person, not the place;
It’s the heart and not the face.
God’s message to all people we extend."
Song 57: Preaching to All Sorts of People
Fill in the blank: "__________. Bad associations spoil useful habits."
"Do not be misled."- 1 Corinthians 15:33
"You certainly will not die..."- Genesis 3:4
Satan as the serpent.
Future king of the entire Earth, and is God's firstborn.
Jesus Christ
The year the Jehovah's spirit was poured out on the congregation.
33 C.E.
"I want to know what I can do; I want to give what I can give.
That is the best feeling ever..."
The Best Life Ever
Fill in the blank: "But the meek will possess the earth, and they will ___________."
"Find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace."- Psalms 37:11
"Whoever it is I kiss, he is the one; take him into custody."
Judas Iscariot- Matthew: 26:48
This person lived to be 969 years old. The longest lifespan in the Bible; grandfather to Noah
The year that we adopted our name "Jehovah's Witnesses."
"...Use your head, though your heart may not agree,
And think, ‘Is this the one for me?’..."
Take Your Time, Choose Wisely
Fill in the blank: "Until I expire, I shall not take away ________ from myself."
"my integrity..."- Job 27:5
"The Gentile times have ended. Their kings have had their day!"
Brother C.T. Russell
Who is King David's father?
What was the name of the original Watchtower magazines?
Zion's Watchtower
"Imagination and meditation—
These are the things that help me see.
They give the insight to help me do right
And be the person I should be..."
Finding Treasures
Name one of the missing gemstones: "You should set in it mounted stones, four rows of stones. The first row is ___, ___, and emerald. The second row is turquoise, ____, and jasper. The third row is leshʹem stone,* agate, and ______. The fourth row is chrysʹo·lite, onyx, and jade. They should be mounted in settings of gold..."
Ruby, Topaz, Sapphire, Amethyst- Exodus 28:17-20
"I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.."- Exodus 4:10
King David's great, great grandmother; Her family was saved due to her obedience.
The Bethel family celebrated their last Christmas in...
"They’ll join him in his victory
And share in his reward.
And soon the last remaining ones
Will hear his final call.
The King of kings and Lord of lords
Will then collect them all..."
Song 27: The Revealing of God's Sons
"And what more will I say? For time will fail me if I go on to relate about _____, _____, _____, _______, David, as well as Samuel and the other prophets."
Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, Samuel- Hebrews 11:32
"... Let the man of the true God whom who just sent come again to instruct us..."
Manoah- Judges 13:8
He was one of the last Judean kings; His name means "Jehovah Raises Up".