Xmas food
Xmas music
Xmas Specials & Movies
Xmas traditions

Eggnog directly translated from the French is called what?

Chicken’s milk

(Lait de poule)


This ‘winter’ song is about a couple’s romance, and possible planned elopement

Walking in a Winter Wonderland


Who said “I never thought it was such a bad little tree. Maybe it just needs a little love” 

Linus from ‘A Charlie Brown Xmas’


Why do we hang stockings by the fireplace?

St Nicholas story. 3 poor sisters.  Hung up stockings to dry.  St Nicholas threw 3 bags of gold coins down the chimney.  Ended up in the stockings.  Voila!


Why is it not recommended to eat Christmas crackers?

A Christmas cracker is a table ‘decoration’ that contains some gunpowder that makes a snapping sound when pulled apart


Christmas cake can stay edible for a long time on the shelf. How old is current record? 

141 yrs. Xmas cakes are rum-infused fruit cakes.  The dried nuts and fruits are already preserved and  the rum prevents mould and yeast from developing.


This song dates back to the 18th century where it begun as a children's memory and forfeit game

12 days of Xmas song


When the Grinch realized that stealing the W hos’ presents did not sadden them, how many sizes did his heart grow?

3 sizes


From what mythology did  “kissing under the mistletoe” come from? 

From Norse mythology – long story. Connection to kissing Has remained popular because it is considered bad luck for a woman to refuse the kiss.


If you receive a Red Ryder BB gun for Xmas, what risk do you face?

You might ‘shoot your eye out!’.  From “A Xmas Story”


This is a common street food in East Asia, Portugal and New York City.  But we associate it with with a cheery fire

Roasted chestnuts


In 1984 Band Aid II released the song “Do They Know its Christmas?”. What were they raising money for?

1983-84 famine in Ethiopia


This classic claymation special was narrated by a snowman voiced by Burl Ives

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer


This tradition has been replaced by carolling, probably because of the large bowl of mulled cider that was involved

Wassailing. Going from door to door, singing and offering a drink from the wassail bowl in exchange for gifts


Why shouldn't you burn a yule log in your fireplace?

Because a yule log is actually a cake. It is called a log because it is made to look like one with a bark-like texture and powdered sugar on top to look like snow


Why are G ma's famous ‘mince tarts’ actually mis-named? 

Mince is short for ‘mincemeat’.  It the early days, the filling was actually beef, rabbit, pork or game. Now its raisins 


In this song, Grandma meets a reindeer

Grandma got run over by a reindeer


Name the movie in which an angel (2nd class) was given a mission in order to earn his wings

Its a Wonder full Life


What are the “12 days of Xmas”? Significance of 1st and last days?

12 days of Xmas is the period between the birth of Christ, and the visit by the Magi (3 wise men)


Name two plants that typically flower at Xmas. 

Poinsettia, Xmas cactus,  amaryllis


Name 4 ingredients that go into ‘figgy pudding’

Breadcrumbs, eggs, brown sugar, suet, raisins, currants, orange peel, nutmeg, cloves, allspice, alcohol.  No figs!


This funny song written by a comedian was intended to cheer up Jewish kids who felt alienated at Xmas time

Hanukkah Song by Adam Sandler


Undisputedly the greatest  Xmas story of all time 

A Christmas Carol


What’s the origin of ‘Boxing Day’?

Boxing Day started as a holiday for servants  because they would have to serve their masters on Christmas Day.  Their employers would often give each servant a box to take home to their families containing gifts, bonuses, and sometimes leftover food.


Assuming Santa Clause had a very fast sleight, why would it still be impossible for him to visit everyone’s house on Xmas eve?

Santa would need to fly at an avg speed of 5,000,000 mph.  This means he would need to pull over 17,000 gs  as he leaves each house.  A human is only good for around 9 gs. Santa would be no longer be fat and jolly
