In Jesus times Denarius was equivalent to
1 days wage (12 hours)
We refused to bow down to the idol
who are Me'shach, Shadrach, and Adebnego?
Father of a crowd (multitude)
1 Kings Dr, Tuxedo ParK, NY 10987
What is World Headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses?
No resident will say "I am Sick"
What is Isaiah 33:24?
What is the comparison between the copper snake and Jesus
whoever looked at the cooper snake got well again.
similar to Jesus, if we look to him, if we follow him, then we can have everlasting life.
I was called the "beloved physician"
Who is Luke?
My name means "dove" but I had an encounter with a fish
Who is Jonah?
A ten minute question and answer part without an introduction of a conclusion. Those called on should offer comments of 30 seconds or less.
Digging for Gems
What does the amen at the end of the prayer mean?
So be it, surely
What 3 languages what the bible originally written in?
Hebrew Aramaic and Greek
Pilate set him free in place of Jesus
Who was Barabas?
How old was moses when he died
This publication is to help you acquire insight on the scriptures.
This book is being studied in Congregation Bible Study
Pure Worship of Jehovah - Restored at Last!
Location of Jesus Ascension
Mount of olives, near Bethany
Jesus saw me under the fig tree
Who was Nathaniel?
The oldest man age in the bible
Bonus if you know the age
Elders are compared to what?
we are the "flock"
Babel means
Temple Build by Solomon was inaugurated in
My name means "Jehovah Has Remembered"
Who is Zechariah?
From what 12 tribes did Jesus descend from
Tribe of Judah
The Teaching book replaced this book
Benefit from Theocratic Ministry School Education
This is an internal publication solely for the use by congregations of Jehovahs witness and is not intended for public distribution.
Organized to do Jehovah's Will