Number of books in the Christian Greek Scriptures
"he came to be called Jehovah’s friend".
(James 2:23)
Jesus fasted for these many days.
(Matthew 4:1,2)
40 days
"May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the earth."
Psalms 83:18
Nebuchadnezzar was the King of...
(Jeremiah 46:2)
Timothy had a Greek father (not named in the Scriptures). This was his mother's name.
(2 Timothy 1:5)
First child named in the Bible
(Genesis 4:1)
Jesus will be riding on this color horse
(Revelation 6:2)
"Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, And do not rely on your own understanding."
Proverbs 3:5
Place where Jesus told his disciples they would preach “to the most distant part of the earth.”
(Acts 1:8,12)
The mountain called the Mount of Olives
This bible book explains Saul’s conversion
Acts of Apostles
Last book of the Hebrew Scriptures
Jesus was baptized here.
(Matthew 3:13)
Jordan River
"Jehovah is my Shepherd. I will lack nothing."
Psalms 23:1
The scripture point to this island as the place where Paul experienced shipwreck.
(Acts 28:1)
Island of Malta
Last bible book written.
John's 3rd Letter (c. 98)
The first bird specifically named in the Bible.
(Genesis 8:6,7)
Just before the disciple Stephen was stoned for his faithful witnessing, he saw Jesus standing here.
(Acts 7:56)
God’s right hand
Finish Proverbs 27:11, "Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, ..."
"... So that I can make a reply to him who taunts me."
Obadiah hid Jehovah's prophets here when Jezebel was trying to do away with them.
(1 Ki 18:4)
Name all the qualities of the fruitage of the spirit in 10 seconds.
(Gal. 5:22,23)
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control
Older cousin and guardian of Esther. Wrote the book of Esther.
(Es 2:7)
Prophet who said, "a young woman will become pregnant and will give birth to a son, and she will name him Immanuel."
"May the undeserved kindness of the Lord Jesus be with the holy ones."
Revelation 22:21
Cornelius was the firstfruits of the uncircumcised non-Jews to become a Christian. He was stationed here when he sent for Peter. (Ac 10:1-22)