Full Name of C. T. Russell
What is Charles Taze Russell
"And I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and her offspring. He will crush your head, and you will strike him in the heel." - Genesis 3:15
What is the "Edenic Covenant (Promise)"?
(it-1 p. 521)
Teachings in Bible that explain basic truths.
What are Bible principles?
What is God's name?
What is Greek word for love based on principle?
This Judge had a name
Who was Joseph Franklin Rutherford?
Preservation of human and animal life
What is Covenant with Noah?
(it-1 p. 522)
We are affected for good or bad by the people with whom we associate
"Bad associations spoil useful habits." (1 Corinthians 15:33)
Term used to identify 4 Hebrew letters for God's name (English rendering)
What is the Tetragrammaton?
Hebrew neʹphesh and the Greek psy·kheʹ
What is the "soul"?
(A person or an animal or the life that a person or an animal enjoys. - RS p. 375)
Started Theocratic Ministry School and Gilead School
Who was Nathan Knorr?
"To your seed I am going to give this land" (Nisan 14, 1513 B.C.E.)
What is the Covenant with Abraham?
(it-1 p. 521)
We cannot escape the results of our actions
"Whatever a person is sowing, this he will also reap." (Galatians 6:7)
3:00 p.m. Friday, 14th day of Nisan 33 C.E.
When did Jesus die?
What is Greek word translated "Resurrection"?
(Literally means “a standing up again” and it refers to a rising up from death. - RS p. 333)
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society President after Nathan Knorr
Who was Frederick William Franz?
Made Nisan 14, 33 C.E. and inaugurated on Pentecost 33 C.E. and lasts forever
What is the Kingdom Covenant between Christ and anointed Christians ruling as kings?
(it-1, p. 525)
Pursuing spiritually-oriented goals
"Seek first the kingdom and his righteousness." (Matthew 6:33)
What is Yahweh?
What is Greek word translated "presence"?
(Literally, “being alongside,” that is, a “presence.” It is used 24 times in the Christian Greek Scriptures, frequently with regard to the presence of Christ in connection with his Messianic Kingdom. -it-2 p. 676)
Who is William Henry Conley?
New Creation
Who are sons of God produced by the New Covenant?
(it-1, p. 523)
Cultivating a positive attitude
Philippians 4:8
To make holy, set apart or hold as sacred
What is sanctify God's name?
What is "Corresponding ransom for all" (1 Timothy 2:5,6)?
(it-2 p. 736)