They will do this to their ears
"tickling" 2 Tim 4:3
The town where Jesus was born?
They are not strong but they prepare their food in summer
Ants (Prov 30:25)
How many persons in our Service Group
This person was publicly corrected by the apostle Paul.
Ceʹphas also known as Peter Gal 2:11
Do not _____ yourself with false reasoning (not exact wording)
"Deceive" James 1:22
Daniel and the three Hebrews were some of many to be taken captive into this land
Rebekah ran back and forth to draw water for these animals
Who has been baptized longer, Ken or Kathy?
Sis Trimble (48 years)
which type of road leads to life
narrow road Matt 7:14
Close friendship with Jehovah belongs to whom?
"those who fear him" Psalm 25:14
When Jonah was first told to go to Nineveh, he boarded a ship to run away to this land
Stupid one is like this animal that returns to its vomit to repeat his foolishness
Dog Prov 26:11
Who has been baptized longer, Isabel or Kam?
Isabel (30 years)
Jehovah knows these types of people only from a distance
haughty Psalm 138:6
A wise person does this and takes in more
"listens" and "instruction" Prov 1:5
In a vision, Paul was urged to "step on over" into this land
The 2nd plague on Egypt featured this animal
How long has Tim Floyd been serving as a Ministerial Servant?
3 years
Jehovah takes note of this type of a person
humble psalm 138:6
We need this if we are to adjust our thinking (not an exact word)
meditation on Jehovah's word - Ps 16:7
Following the flood, Noah's ark came to rest on these mountains
Both Jesus and Satan are compared to this animal
What is our Group's Field Service average per month?
18 hours
David conquered this city and built his royal residence there. Its was the oldest part of Jerusalem.
Zion also known as the City of David
2 samuel 5:7