Do you know it?
Show me a Scripture
to Prove it.
Bible Characters

How many rivers were in the Garden of Eden, and what were their names?

rivers named as the Euphrates, Hiddekel, Pishon, and Gihon. (Ge 2:10-14)


We can live forever on a paradise earth.

Psalm 37:29, Matthew 5:5, Ecclesiastes 3:11

Matthew 6:10, Revelation 21: 3,4


Who is the newest member of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses

Kenneth Cook


Twelve men were sent to spy out the land, and at the end of 40 days, they returned to give their report. Only these two men spoke favorably of Israel’s prospects in Canaan. 

Who were the two men and what can we learn from them?

However, the ten looked at things from a fleshly viewpoint. Joshua and Caleb, on the other hand, trusted in Jehovah. 

 In these “critical times hard to deal with,” we, like the Israelites, face foes that are stronger than we are. 

If we truly know Jehovah and understand what his name stands for, we will trust in him as surely as did Joshua and Caleb.


This young man fell asleep during Paul's talk and fell to the ground and died


Lesson: No napping at meetings.. you could die.


What happened in the year 4,026 before our Common Era?

Adam was created. It was likely in the fall of the year, for mankind’s most ancient calendars began counting time in the autumn around October 1, or at the first new moon of the lunar civil year. 


What happens when we die?

Ecclesiastes 9:5

Psalm 146:4 says that when a man dies, “his thoughts perish.” 

“You [will] return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return.” (Genesis 3:19) 


Why is it important to ask questions to those whom we preach to?

Jesus knew that a teacher can use questions not only to get to know a student but also to help the student to think and to give his opinion. For example, when Jesus wanted to teach his disciples about humility, he first asked them a question that would make them think. (Mark 9:33) Jesus once asked Peter a question, suggested two possible answers, and then asked Peter to select the right one. This helped Peter to learn an important lesson. (Matthew 17:24-26) Another time, Jesus wanted to find out what was in the heart of his disciples, so he asked several questions that helped them to say how they really felt. (Read Matthew 16:13-17.) Jesus did not just tell people what to do. By the way he asked questions, he motivated people to accept the good news and make changes in their lives.

11 When we imitate Jesus’ way of using questions, we find out the best way to help each person we meet in the ministry. We also learn how to reason with people when they disagree with us. And we teach people to benefit themselves. Now we will talk about three examples of how we can make good use of questions.


When he was almost 100 years old, he even wrestled with an angel to receive a blessing from God. Who was he - and what is the lesson we can learn from it?

ws16 September pp. 9-13


So keep fighting. Keep struggling. Keep contending. Keep persevering. You can be absolutely sure that Jehovah will “pour out on you a blessing until there is nothing lacking.”—Malachi 3:10.


Prophetic Prophet - Who said it and what Scripture is it?

“Today this scripture that you just heard* is fulfilled.”

Isaiah - Jesus 

Luke 4:21


The Hebrew word for "Garden" (as in Garden of Eden), is translated into English as...?


it-1 pp. 889-891

This parklike “paradise of pleasure” (Ge 2:8, Dy) contained every tree desirable to one’s sight and good for food, as well as other vegetation, and was the habitat of animals and birds. Adam was to cultivate it and to keep it and eventually to expand it earth wide as he carried out God’s command to “subdue” the earth. It was a sanctuary, a place where God representatively walked and communicated with Adam and Eve; it was a perfect home for them.—Ge 2:9, 10, 15-18, 21, 22; 1:28; 3:8-19; see PARADISE.


Jesus is God's son.

John 14:6 Jesus said to him: “I am the way+ and the truth+ and the life.+ No one comes to the Father except through me.+ 

John 17:3 This means everlasting life,+ their coming to know you, the only true God,+ and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ. 

Matthew 3:17 Look! Also, a voice from the heavens+ said: “This is my Son,+ the beloved, whom I have approved.”+ 


From the land of Thyratira, selling purple was my trade.



She was the wife of Elkanah and the mother of Samuel, who became a prominent prophet in ancient Israel. She prayed to God for comfort. She made a vow to God, saying that if God granted her a son, she would give the child to him by arranging for the child to serve at the tabernacle.

Who was she and what can we learn?

Hannah’s heartfelt prayers helped her to endure trials. God answered her prayer, and she gave birth to Samuel. Her prayer of gratitude recorded at 1 Samuel 2:1-10 reflects her deep faith in God.


Your in Italy in a restaurant and after your meal which beverage would you NOT order? (If you did order it they would look at you confused) :)

A. Espresso

B. Cappuccino

C: Amaretto\Amaro

D. Grappa\Limoncello



When on the platform before an audience, he always wore a long black cloak and a white necktie. His voice was not loud, and he would never use a microphone or a loudspeaker, yet somehow his voice always carried to the most distant part of the auditorium. He could hold the attention of a large audience for not just one hour but sometimes two or three hours. He would always begin his lecture with a gentle bow to the audience. While speaking, he did not stand still like a statue, but he was always on the move, gesticulating with his arms and stepping from side to side or from front to back. I never once saw him carry any notes or a manuscript in his hands—only the Bible, which he used very frequently. He spoke from the heart and in a manner that was very convincing.

Charles RUsell


The soul is mortal.

Ezekiel 18:4 Look! All the souls*—to me they belong. As the soul of the father so also the soul of the son—to me they belong. The soul* who sins is the one who will die. 

Ezekiel 18:20 The soul* who sins is the one who will die.


A pin, curdled milk and a banquet bowl, these are what I used to complete the things foretold.



Jehovah required that Job needed to do something first before he was healed, what was it and whats the lesson for us?

In the end, Jehovah reproved those false accusers. God directed them to go to Job and present an offering for their sins. (Job 42:7-9) But Jehovah also required that Job do something. What was it? Jehovah directed Job to pray in behalf of his former accusers. Job did as Jehovah asked, and Jehovah blessed him for his forgiving spirit. (Read Job 42:10, 12, 16, 17.) The lesson for us? A sincere prayer


When did the Anglo-American World Power become the seventh world power of Bible prophecy?

This occurred during World War I. 

Britain, a former part of the Roman Empire, began rising to prominence in the late 1700’s. Later, the United States of America became a nation to be reckoned with. However, the seventh world power of Bible prophecy had not yet been formed. Why not? Britain and the United States had not yet acted together in a significant way.


Jehovah instructed Ezekiel to take two sticks and to write on one “for Judah” and on the other “for Joseph, the stick of Ephraim.” 

What did this mean and how does it apply to our day?

rr p. 131

“for Judah”


Two-tribe kingdom of Judah


The anointed

“for Joseph, the stick of Ephraim”


Ten-tribe kingdom of Israel


The other sheep


Only 144,000 go to heaven

Revelation 14:1, the apostle John says: “I saw, and look! the Lamb [Jesus Christ] standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who have his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads.” 


Since Jehovah forbids idolatry, why did he not punish Aaron for making the golden calf? Give at least 2 out of 3 reasons why.

1. but [Moses] made supplication also in behalf of Aaron at that particular time.” Did the supplication of the righteous man Moses have “much force” in Aaron’s case? (Jas. 5:16) Yes.

2. One reason apparently had to do with Aaron’s record of faithfulness. While still in Egypt, therefore, Aaron built up a record of loyal, steadfast service to Jehovah.—Ex. 4:21. 

3. they persuaded Aaron to make an idol for them. Aaron cooperated and produced a golden statue of a calf. (Ex. 32:1-6) However, Aaron’s subsequent actions indicate that his heart was not with this idolatrous movement. He evidently gave in to pressure. When Moses brought the issue of idolatry to a dramatic culmination, for example, all the sons of Levi—including Aaron—firmly took sides with Jehovah. 

Evidently, Jehovah forgave Aaron for his weakness. At heart, Aaron was a loyal upholder of true worship, not an idolatrous rebel.


How could Samson touch dead bodies that he had slain and still remain a Nazirite?

Samson took no vow of Naziriteship. He was a Nazirite by divine appointment, and his Naziriteship was for life. The restriction against touching a corpse could not apply in his case. If it did and he accidentally touched a dead body, how could he start over a lifelong Naziriteship that began with his birth? Evidently, then, the requirements for lifetime Nazirites differed in some ways from those for voluntary Nazirites.


If you were asked why you don't salute the flag or sing the national anthem what would you say?

w02 9/15 21-22; pe 214-215; rs 274
