How many siblings did Jesus have. Name them
What is 6.
James, Joseph, Simon, Judas. Two sisters (name unknown )
"There is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous "
What is Acts :15
How old was Sarah when she gave birth and what was his name
What is 90 years old & Isaac
Iam the father of the strongest men who ever lived
Who is Manoah
What month and year did we merge to Rouge Park?
Name atleast FOUR qualities Jesus displayed repeatedly throughout his life
Where can we find the qualities of the fruit age of the spirit? What are they ?
What is Ga. 5:22, 23
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self control.
Who wrote the first Five books of the Bible
I later became an arrogant King . I later died during a Battle with the Philistines
Who is Saul
Name atleast FIVE various forms of preaching
Informal, Public, business, school, family members, telephone/ letter writing, prison, nursing home
Name all 12 of Jesus apostles.
6. Bartholomew(also called Nathanael),
9.James the son of Alphaeus
10. Thaddaeus
12.Judas Iscariot
Fill in the blanks to this Orginal Song : _________ by Your _____________
Inspired by Your Wonders
Name 4 miracles Jesus performed
Hunger, sickness, dangerous weather, wicked spirits, death
I became Queen of Persian King Ahasuerus. I risked my life to report a plot
Who is Esther
What year did we stop using the Kingdom Ministry
What is 2015
Name Jehovah's four main qualities. Which one surpasses all?
What is power, justice, wisdom, love ; love
Which Bible verse lists the two greatest commandments? What are they?
What is Matthew 22:37-40
Love Jehovah with your whole heart, soul, and mind and love your neighbor as you yourself.
Give the Orginal names of the three hebrews boys thrown into the fiery furnace
Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah
I rebelled against Jehovah and I challenged Moses and Aaron in the wilderness.
Who is Korah
What is this years Convention feature film entitled
What is Nehemiah- "The Joy of Jehovah Is Your Stronghold
What does it mean to call on the name of Jehovah
To know the name, to respect it deeply, and to reply on and trust in the One who bears the name
What is the scriptures use in todays text
What is 1 Timothy 4:12
Name ALL the members of the Governing Body
Who are Splane, Morris, Sanderson, Jackson, Lett, Herd, Losch, Cook
Iam the wife of Moses
How many regular pioneers do we have?
Name them.
Bro Burke
Sis Green
Sis Jones
Sis Rozier
Bro & Sis Davis
Bro & Sis Provost
Sis Brooks
Sis Margaret Jones
Sis Ratcliff
Bro Scott
Sis Denard
Bro and Sis Glover
Sis Nash
Sis Bryd
Sis Cleveland
Sis Hale-Thomas
Bro Davenport
Sis Irvin
Sis Gwynn
Sis Matthew's
Sis Paylor