This moabitess displayed loyal love with the words “where you go I will go.”
Who is Ruth? Ruth 1:16
The names of the first and last letters of the Greek Alphabet and means the first and last and the beginnig and the end?
What is Alpha and Omega?
In this covenant, Jehovah stated that he would never destroy all flesh by means of a flood?
What is the rainbow covenant?
May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the most High over all the earth
What is Psalms 83:18?
This king of Judah was the son of King Hezekiah and did on a grand scale what was bad in Jehovah’s eyes. However, when taken captive he repented, humbled himself and prayed to Jehovah.
Who is Manasseh?
Touching a dead body made you unclean for this number of days
7 days
His donkey spoke to him asking, “What have I done to you to make you beat me three times?”
Who is Balaam? Numbers 24:28.
This term means reverence, worship and service to Jehovah with loyalty to his universal sovereignty.
What is Godly Devotion?
The Abrahamic covenant took place in this year.
What is 1943 BCE?
At this scripture we are instructed to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, from what is strangled, and from sexual immorality.
What is Acts 15:29?
This future king of Israel was hiding himself among the luggage?
Who is Saul?
Under the law, a newborn male child was to be circumcised on this day
8th day
He was the high priest during Jesus’ earthly ministry and the son in law of High Priest Annas?
Who is Joseph Caiaphas? Lu 3:2 & John 18:13
The largest of the Hebrew units of weight and of monetary value. It weighed 34.2 kg.
What is a talent?
This covenant made between Jehovah and the nation of Isreal was made in the third month after leaving Egypt in 1513 BCE.
What is the Law Covenant?
A generation is going and a generation is coming, But the earth remains forever can be found here.
What is Ecclesiastes 1:4?
After the assassination of his father and the execution of the conspirators, this eight-year-old became king of Judah?
Who is Josiah?
This provision showed consideration to the disadvantaged, ensuring no one went hungry
This prophet asked, “How long O Jehovah must I cry for help but you do not hear?”
Who is Habakuk? Hab 1:2
This festival was held on Ethanim 15-21. It celebrated the harvest at the end of the agricultural year for Israel and a was a time of rejoicing and thanksgiving for Jehovah’s blessing their crops.
What is the Festival of Booths? Also called Festival of Ingathering or Tabernacles.
This covenant is expressed at Psalm 110:4. It is a covenant made by Jehovah with Jesus alone. It is forever in operation.
What is Covenant to be a Priest like Melchizedek?
What is Joshua 24:15?
Naboth refused this king’s offer to buy his vineyard.
Who is Ahab?
Custom whereby a man would marry his deceased brother sonless widow
Brother in law marriage
This woman acted with discretion though being married to a man deemed senseless.
Who is Abigail?
The first day of each month of the Jewish calendar, which was observed as a day for gathering together, feasting, and offering special sacrifices.
What is New moon?
This covenant became valid in 33 CE when Jesus new disciples received God’s spirit.
What is the New Covenant.? 10/15/14 w.
This is the last Chapter and verse in the book of Revelation
This king of Israel originally did what was upright in Jehovah’s eyes. However, he later became haughty and invaded the holy compartment of the temple to burn incense and was stricken with leprosy.
Who is Uzziah/Azariah?
Cities of refuge protected accidental manslayers from this person
Avenger of blood