How many sons did King David's father Jesse have?
8 Sons
The mother of Samuel.
Who is Hannah?
Jacob aka...
Protects us from all of Satan's "burning arrows". Make sure it's big enough to cover you.
Large Shield of Faith. Eph.6:16
He was about 25 years old when he was commissioned by Jehovah as a watchman and prophet.
Who is Jeremiah? Jer.1:2-5
Name just 2 of Zelophehad's sons.
He had 5 daughters & no sons.
The mother of Isaac.
Who is Sarah?
Moses' father-in-law, Reuel aka...
Protects our mind, and thinking ability.
Helmet of Salvation. Eph.6:17
The first king of the 10-tribe kingdom of Israel.
Who is Jeroboam? 1Kings 11:26
What are the names of Bathsheba's 2 sons, that are part of the Messiah's lineage?
Solomon & Nathan - Matt.1:7,16; Luke 3:31
The mother of Dan.
Who is Bilhah?
Tabitha aka...
Way better than Jordans or Yeezys, this footwear helps us deliver the message of peace.
Feet shod in readiness to declare the Good News of Peace. Eph.6:15
Capital city of the ancient nation of Israel.
What is Jerusalem?
Which GB member gave the talk - Universal Peace Is Sure to Come? At the Peace at Last! 2022 Convention
Bro. Jackson
Ahaziah & Jehoram's mother isn't from New England, but boy was she "wicked" mean.
Who is Queen Jezebel?
Belteshazzar aka...
Keep this firmly fixed to protect your figurative heart.
Breastplate of Righteousness - Eph. 6:14
The first Canaanite city W of the Jordan to be conquered by the Israelites.
What is Jericho? Num.22:1
How many daughters did David have?
You only have 4, Dad :)
The mother of the apostles James & John.
Who is Salome?
Jesus' apostle, Bartholomew, aka...
We need this fastened tightly around us, to confidently stand firm.
Belt of Truth - Eph.6:14
This divinely sent plague of _____ (a type of jumping rodent) was sent to the Philistine territory and brought the land to ruin.
What are Jerboas? 1Sam.6:4,5