What was Caleb tempted to steal from the store in the video 'Stealing Is Bad'
In the video 'Jehovah Designed All Things' Sophia asked why Jehovah made ________ so pretty.
In the video "Be Neat and Clean" Caleb's father explained that Jehovah is organized that's why he did not put our eyes where?
Under our feet
In the video "Does Jehovah Answer Prayers" who pushed Sophia at school and smashed her butterfly pen?
A girl bully.
BONUS! Which Bible character also faced bullying because she could not conceive a child?
In the video "Pray Anytime" sing any line you remember from the song (Hint: The song starts with 'Anytime...)
Anytime, anywhere I can pray. And Jehovah will hear what I say...
In the video "Why should we always be truthful" what happned when Caleb was playing with his toy plane that led him to lie to his father?
He broke a vase.
IN the video "Jehovah Will Help You Be Bold", what book was Sophia reading in the school bus?
Learn from the Great Teacher
In the video "Prepare Your Comment" what did Caleb's father encouraged Caleb to do if he was not called to answer a question at the meetings?
Prepare a few comments just in case. If still not called, then know that you did your best and Jehovah appreciates that too.
In the video "Be Humble", what did Caleb's friend claim to be better than Caleb?
That he is faster than Caleb.
How did Caleb not show humility when answering his friend?
IN the video "Preach in a Foreign Language" what APP do we have that can help us preach to people in different languages?
JW Language
In the video 'See Yourself in Paradise, what did Caleb see himself doing in paradise?
Playing with Monkeys
In the video 'Enduring Loss' which friend did Sophia loss that made her feel so sad?
Sister Elsa
In the video 'Making Sacrifices' Caleb's father made plans for them to do ________ instead of Caleb and Sophia going to play in the park
Help clean and fix a few things at the home of an older brother.
In the video "Pay Attention at the Meetings" which Bible example was used to show that if he was not paying attention then he and his family would have drowned.
Noah - when building the ark
In the video "Should We Celebrate Birthdays?", what two birthdays are reported in the bible and what happened during those birthdays?
Pharoah in Egypt and Herod in Jesus' day. Somone was killed at both birthday parties.
In the video "Jehovah's Name", Caleb had difficulty pronouncing which name correctly while preparing for his Bible reading?
BONUS! How did Caleb's father use Jehovah's name to help Caleb not to become frustrated with his Bible reading assignment.
In the video "Why Obey God if We Can’t See Him?", what did Sophia refused to do to show that she is honest?
She refused to cheat in a math exam
In the video "Become an Unbaptized Publisher" Caleb's father illustrated that becoming an unbaptized publisher is like getting a __________ license. That means you have to be ___________ before becoming a publisher.
In the video "Love Your Neighbor", who was the new girl who started attending Sophia's school?
(Hint: This new girl was from Asia and her name starts with a P)
Pria; from India
BONUS! Unlike the other children, how did Sophia show neighborly love to Pria?
What is the title of the first Caleb and Sophia video?
Obey your parents
In the video "Obey Your Parents" what instruction did Caleb fail to obey from his mother?
To take off his dirty shoes before entering the house.
BONUS! Can you tell me any scripture that says that Children should obey their parents?
What club was Sophia pressured to join in school in the video "Who Should Be My Friend?"
Science club
In the video "One Man, One Woman" what illustration did Sophia's mother used to explain why Jehovah has a standard of marriage to be between one man and one woman?
To get on an airplane, there are standards and rules you must obey. If you want to bring in forbidden items you will be rejected.
Likewise, to enter paradise, we need to obey Jehovah's standards and one of them is for marriage to be between one man and one woman.
In the video "Jehovah Will Help You Be Bold" which Bible example did Sophia learn from to be bold and to preach to her friend in school who lost her grandmother.
She learned from the little Israelite girl who was a slave for the Syrian army chief called Naaman
What year was the first Caleb and Sophia video released?
2012 convention