King of Sodom.
Who is Bera?
This scripture says, "Whoever does not love has not come to know God because God is love."
What is 1 John 4:8?
In this Kingdom song, the word "Flock" was changed to "Sheep" in the newest update of the song book "Sing Out Joyfully"
What is Song 103; Shepherds—Gifts in Men?
In this movie, the character Marcus made rap beats for a rapper named Busta.
What is "These Words... Must Be On Your Heart"?
Jesus is repeatedly called this term throughout Revelation.
What is "The Lamb"?
Sanahedrin member named only in John's gospel.
Who is Nicademus?
This scripture lists different forms of occultism as it states "There should not be found in you... anyone practicing magic, anyone who looks for omens, a sorcerer, anyone binding others with a spell, anyone who consults a spirit mediumn or a fortune-teller, or anyone who inquires of the dead."
What is Deuteronomy 18: 10, 11?
This original song illistrates what we can look forward to in the future "earthy paradise"?
What is "Just Around The Corner"?
In this movie, the character, Tarah, left her hometown Lucinda falls.
What is How To Make Real Friends?
The three weapons carried by Goliath.
What is a Sword, a Spear, and a Javelin?
First Judean King who ruled as a vessal of babylon in Jerusalem.
Who is Jehoakim?
"Make it your aim to live quietly and mind your own buisness and work with your hands just as we instructed you."
What is 1 Thessalonians 4:11?
This Kingdom Song vividly illistrates how Jehovah will "sanctify [his] holy name."
What is The Victory Song?
In this Movie, Joe worked at a company with the name "Gomez Contracting".
What is Remember The Wife Of Lot?
These are the 4 fishermen that Jesus commanded, "Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men."
Who are Simon Peter, Andrew, James, and John?
Seller of purple Philippi.
Who is Lydia?
In this scripture, Jehovah expresses that Jesus will "crush [Satan's] head," and Satan will "Strike him in the heel."
What is Genesis 3:15?
This song.
What is Give us More Faith?
In this movie, the character John used a comapass in his talk and showed it to the children after the meeting.
What is "What is love?"
The christian congegation is "A pillar and ______ of the truth."
What is Support?
Jewish teacher of Saul of Tarsus.
Who is Gamaliel?
The following scripture conveys how the members of false religion are the "...peoples and crowds and nations and tongues..." who support Babylon the Great.
What is Revelations 17:15?
This Kingdom song was written in a concentration camp in German by Erich Frost. The original name of the song is Fest steht which, in English, translates to Stand Fast.
What is Forward, You Witnesses?
The date of the first ever Broadcast release. (Month & Year)
What is October 2014?
The city that Goliath came from.
What is "Gath"?