"Go therefore and make disciples..." Matt 28:19
"And this good news of the Kingdom will be ________ __ ___ ___ _________ _____ for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come."
"preached in all the inhabited earth"
The name Kingdom Hall was suggested in 1946.
The name Kingdom Hall was suggested in 1935 by J. F. Rutherford, who was then president of the Watch Tower Society. In connection with the Society’s branch facilities in Honolulu, Hawaii, he arranged for the brothers to construct a hall where meetings could be held. When James Harrub asked what Brother Rutherford was going to call the building, he replied: “Don’t you think we should call it ‘Kingdom Hall,’ since that is what we are doing, preaching the good news of the Kingdom?
Who really is the faithful and discreet slave
Matthew 24:45
I planted, Apollos watered, but God kept making it grow.. 1 Cor 3:6
Simon Cephas
"For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone ____________ ________ ____ _____ might not be destroyed but have everlasting life."
"exercising faith in him"
We became known as Jehovah's Witnesses in 1929
In July 1931, some 15,000 Bible Students arrived in Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A., for a convention
We desire to be known as and called by the name, to wit, Jehovah’s witnesses
Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need
Matthew 5:3
We must obey God as ruler rather then men Acts 5:29
Peter (and other apostles)
"For all things I have the _______ through the one who gives me power"
Zion's Watchtower was first published in 1892
1879, first Watchtower published
And everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved
Acts 2:21 or Joel 2:32
"Pardon me, Jehovah, please send anyone whom you want to send." Ex 4:13
"Do not be misled. ___ ____________ _____ ______ ______."
"bad associations spoil useful habits"
WBBR first broadcast was in 1944
License from the government to broadcast had been obtained. And the call letters assigned were WBBR. All was now ready for the first broadcast. That occurred on Sunday evening, February 24, 1924. Was closed and sold in 1957.
Abstain from.... blood
Acts 15:20,29
Please, let me bring them out to you.... But do not do anything to these men... Gen 19:8
"_____ ___ ___ that Jehovah is good; Happy is the man who takes refuge in him."
"taste and see"
JW Broadcast was launched in 2012
2014, JW Broadcasting launched: yb16 10