They were food for the Israelites in the wilderness.
What are Quails.
What is Draw Close To Jehovah?
When Jesus began his ministry.
What is 29CE?
"The Gentile Times have ended; their kings have had their day"
Who is Charles Taze Russell?
The 2018 Convention theme.
What is Be Courageous?
We should take our leave before this breaks out.
What is a Quarrel.
What is Apply Yourself To Reading And Teaching?
When Jerusalem was destroyed by the Babylonians.
What is 607BCE?
"Behold, the King reigns! You are his publicity agents. Therefore advertise, advertise, advertise, the King and his kingdom."
Who is Joseph Rutherford?
The 2015 Convention theme.
What is Imitate Jesus?
How much wheat a denarius will buy someone during the ride of the third horse of the Apocalypse.
What is a Quart.
What is Would You Like To Know The Truth?
When the Red Sea was parted.
What is 1513BCE?
"At times Peter was ensnared by fear of men, or, we could say in his most infamous example, fear of girl."
Who is Stephen Lett?
The 1958 Convention theme.
What is Divine Will?
The 19th letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
What is Qohph?
What is What Does God Require Of Us?
When Noah went into the Ark.
What is 2370BCE?
"The Watchtower magazine continues to be published! And how long it will carry on we do not know. Whether it will be published in the coming system of things, we do not know. What will be its universal, worldwide name then, we do not know. Whether it will be called by what they call it over there in Israel, by its Hebrew name, we do not know. But we know that this is one of the foremost instruments that Jehovah God has used down through this past century. And it continues to feed God’s people, and it continues to announce to the whole world Jehovah’s kingdom. It is ‘The Watchtower—Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom.’ And we are proud, therefore, to be the spreaders of this magazine."
Who is Frederick Franz?
The 2009 Convention theme.
What is Keep On The Watch?
One of the Roman governors of Syria.
Who is Quirinus?
What is The Divine Plan Of The Ages?
When Adam was created.
What is 4026BCE?
"I’d like to play this tournament out here." and "This is probably the last public address I shall ever deliver because we shall be going home soon."
Who is Hugh Macmillian?
The 1969 Convention theme.
What is Peace On Earth?