Who did he make a covenant saying:
"Never again will I Curse the ground on man's account".
Gen 8:18-22
This tower was the cause of languages being confused, what tower was it?
Gen 11:1-9
After witnessing their act of faith, Who said " come on out, you servants of the most high God"?
Dan 3:25,26
King Nebuchadnezzar
What city was destroyed after 7 days of being walked around?
Josh 6:2,3
What book of the Bible has the most chapters?
Jehovah caused a miracle after hearing the complaints of the Israelites. Who took credit for it and was punished?
Numbers 20:10,11
Moses and Aaron
Where did Jesus teach everyone how to pray?
Mat 5:1; 6:5-15
Mount of Olives, Galilee
What person was declared righteous after being hospitable to spies?
Jas 2:25
2 Kings 19:35
In what book of the Bible is the first prophesy involving Jesus?
Jehovah promised Abraham of making Israel a great nation. Who did Satan use to stop this from happening?
Ex 1:22
What was the name of the place where Jesus was nailed to the stake?
Mat 27:33
To save the lives of many, who showed faith by humbling themselves before king David?
1 Sam 25:23-25
How many kings were defeated when the sun stood still?
Josh 12:24
What book of the Bible mentions the Nile Turning to blood.
He sent an angel to destroy this man's army of 185,000 men.
Isa 36:1
Nebuchadnezzer had made a statue of gold for everyone to worship, in the province of Babylon, in what plain was it?
Dan 3:1
48 years after the temple in Jerusalem was to be reconstructed, What does Ezra Do?
Ez 7:17,21,23
Travels to Jerusalem with gold and silver relying on Jehovah to keep them safe.
A king throws a party for a thousand guests and they witness a hand writing on the wall. What was his name?
Dan 5:1,5
Exodus mentions the Israelites crossing the sea. What book mentions them crossing another body of water?
Although God is a spirit, Who Dows the Bible say has seen God who is invisible?
Heb 11:27
This place was outside Jerusalem, Ahaz and Manasseh worshiped false here, and many unworthy of burials were burned here. Where is it?
2 Ch 33:6 & Jer 32:35
Gehenna Valley of Hinnom
Que profeta que era ganadero de ovejas en la epoca de rey Uzias profetizo contra Damasco, Hazael, Gaza, Tiro?
Amos 1
Jesus raised a girl from the dead. What washer father's name?
Luke 8:40
What book of the Bible mentions a man destroying pillars in a building yelling:
"Let me die with the philistines"?