"Altisimo senor, Dios todo poderoso...
bendito Rey glorioso: tu nombre es Jehova."
#2 Tu Nombre es Jehova
During a famine that affected Bethlehem, she moved with her family to Moab. When her family passed away, she returned to Bethlehem with her daughter-in-law.
- Rut 2:17,18; 3:1-4
Image 1
Cantemos a Jehova
Video 1
Aprende a Compartir
Escritor: Moises
Lugar: Desierto
Ano: 1512
- Moses was born
- 10 plagues
"Caminare en fiel integridad...
y te sere leal por la eternidad."
#34 Caminare en Integridad
He was jealous of his sibling. He gave away a special blessing. He also didn't appreciate sacred things.
- Hebreos 12:16
Image 2
Mantenganse en el Amor de Dios
Video 2
Hay que Perdonar
Escritor: Salomon, Agur, Lemuel
Lugar: Jerusalen
Ano: 717
- Bad association
- Be wise and trust Jehovah
- Anxiety weighs the heart down
"Contigo marcha tu Dios, Jehova...
no busques mas, estas en la verdad!"
#54 Este es el Camino
He was heir to the throne, but didn't receive it by choice. He risked his life to protect from jealousy. He teaches us to be happy for others who receive good things from Jehovah.
- 1 Samuel 23:15-18
- 1 Samuel 20: 1-42
Image 3
"Testimonio Cabal" del Reino de Dios
Video 3
Respeta la Casa de Jehova
Escritor: Pablo
Lugar: Roma
Ano: 61
- Definition of faith
- Do not forget hospitality
"Haz que mi fe aumente cada dia...
ayudame en mi necesidad."
#118 Danos Mas Fe
He wanted to prove his faith by offering acceptable grown sacrifice. He also didn't have anything recorded in the Bible.
- Genesis 4:1-11
- Hebreos 11:4
Image 4
El Amor Nunca Falla
Video 4
El Rescate
Escritor: Moises
Lugar: Llanuras de Moab
Ano: 1473
- Leaving monte Horeb
- Repitacion de los Diez Mandamientos
- The golden calf
Adelante! Sean siempre fieles al Senor, Jehova...
Adelante! Su glorioso Reino deben anunciar."
#69 Prediquen las Nuevas del Reino
He rebelled against Jehovah by burning incense with his men. He was then severely punished.
- Numeros 16:1-50
Image 5
Lo Diseñó Alguien?
Video 5
Obedece a Jehova
Escritor: Lucas
Lugar: Roma
Ano: 61
- Jesus ascends to heaven
- Saul travels to Damasco to persecute disciples