She was influenced by material things and looked back.
The Wife of Lot
They disobeyed Jehovah but his purpose never changed.
Adam & Eve
Love is pure and never jealous: Love is kind and bears all things
God is Love
He had sinned but returned back to Jehovah.
The prodigal son returns
He said don't be angry. You know how these people are.
If in Jehovah's sight
We strive to do what's
Making a Good Name With God
He started to grieve Jehovah's Holy Spirit by lacking family worship and their young ones were not spiritually motivated
"These Words...Must Be on Your Heart"
She wrote letters to the elders of the city, telling them to accuse Naboth of having cursed God and to stone him to death.
Wicked Queen Jezebel
No longer as living for our-selves, For you we shall live or die.
Christian Dedication
He was a Prophet of Jehovah but ran away from doing what Jehovah asked of him and was swallowed by a big fish.
The Story of Jonah-A Lesson in Courage and Mercy
He is angry because he thinks God likes him better and was counseled to change his ways
Who'll warn of God's great final war?
Here I Am! Send Me
He lost his Father and youngest son and his health was fading fast and his wife and spiritual family was trying to provide help and support.
"Hope for what you do not see"
He betrays Jesus with a kiss and was not at the Lords evening meal (Last Supper)
Judas Iscariot
Love what is Good; Hate what is Bad. Make God's heart glad;
Make Sure of the more Important Things