Bible Prophecy
To The Congregations-Letters & Messages
Bible Fashion

In a famous illustration, Jesus said that it would be easier for this animal to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into the Kingdom

A Camel (Luke 18:25) 


Jesus now serves as our High Priest and rules as King of God's Kingdom. This fulfills Bible prophecy foretelling that he would become a High Priest according to the manner of whom?

Melchizedek (Hebrews 6:20, Genesis 14:18)


To this congregation Jesus said: "Your deeds of late are more than those you did at first" 

Thyatira (Revelation 2:19) 


This was a traditional garment of mourning in Bible times

The Sackcloth (Genesis 37:34)


According to the Biblical record, who was the oldest man and how many years did he live?

Methuselah (Genesis 5:27)


Although this animal was used to illustrate undesirable qualities in people, their sacrifice was also used to foreshadow Christ sacrifice

Goats (Hebrews 9:12)


In the book of Matthew, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and informed him that Mary would give birth to a son who would carry this name, meaning "With Us Is God" 

Immanuel (Matthew 1:23) 


Of all the letters that the Apostle Paul wrote, this is the longest

Romans (Study Bible, Intro to Romans)


Motivated by self righteousness, the Pharisees would make this aspect of their garments longer

 The Fringes (Matthew 23:5)


What was a slave worth in Bible times?

30 pieces of silver (Exodus 21:32)


When Jesus said that it is not right to take the bread of the children and throw it to the little dogs, who was represented by the "little dogs" ?

Non Jews (Matthew 15:26, study note)


In the riddle spoken of in Ezekiel 17:3-10, who is represented by:

The Great Eagle

The Topmost Shoot

The City of Traders 

The Seed of the Land

The Second Great Eagle

The Great Eagle- King Nebuchadnezzar 

The Topmost Shoot- King Jehoiachin

The City of Traders- Babylon

The Seed of the Land- Kind Zedekiah

The Second Great Eagle- Egyptian Pharaoh


This congregation that Paul wrote to was located in an area known for gross sexual immorality, worship of Artemis and was a center of demonism 

Ephesians (Study Bible, Introduction to Ephesians)


This forerunner to the Christ fulfilled Isaiah's words as one who was "calling out in the wilderness". What was his name and what were two distinctive things about his wardrobe?

John the Baptizer; Garment of camel hair, Leather belt and Long hair (Mark 1:6) 


How many times does the name Jehovah appear in the Christian Greek section of the New World Translation?

237 times (Study Bible Appendix A-5)


In the First Century C.E, sparrows were the cheapest of all birds sold as food. A man could earn enough to buy two, working for how long?

45 minutes (Matthew 10:29, study note) 


Name the three nations that occupied the role of King of the North during the time of the end


Soviet Union and its allies

Russia and its allies ( Watchtower May 2020) 


Jesus was referring to this congregation when he said that "you have there those adhering to the teaching of Balaam" 

Pergamum (Revelation 2:12-14)


Name each part of the complete suit of armor mentioned in the Bible

The belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, feet shod, large shield of faith, helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit. (Ephesians 6:14-17) 


How long was "The Appointed Times of the Nations"?

2,520 Years 
