"A little leaven ferments the whole ______ "
what is loaf
This is the first Garden mentioned in the Bible
What is the Garden of Eden
This is the animal Jesus rode on into Jerusalem
What is a young donkey, or a colt
"Advertise, Advertise, Advertise the ____ ___ ___ ______ !"
What is the King and His Kingdom
"The Kingdom is in place--- ____ ____ _____ !"
What is "Let it Come"
When Jesus performed his first miracle, he turned _____ into _____.
What is water into wine
These two bodies of water were parted in the Bible
What are the Red Sea and the Jordan River
Jesus said that a father would not hand his son this
What is either a serpent or a scorpion
According to Proverbs 15:1, A mild answer, turns away this
What is Rage
It's the _____ not the place,
It's the _____ and not the face!
What is person and heart
John the Baptist ate these two things while in the wilderness
What is locusts and honey
This is Mountain where Moses received the law covenant, and the Ten Commandments Tablets were made
What is Mount Sinai
Jesus said that he often longed to gather the inhabitants of Jerusalem together in the way this bird gathers her chicks.
What is a hen
Jesus told the pharisees that they "strain out the ____ but gulp down the _____."
What is gnat and camel
Stop, Think and ____
What is Pray
With these two items, Jesus miraculously fed the crowd in Matthew 14
What is bread and fish
This is the Garden to which Jesus retired with his disciples after eating the last passover meal.
What is the Garden of Gethsemane
Jesus is often referred to as this animal
What is a Lamb
When healing the leper, Jesus said: "I want to. Be made _____"
What is clean
Jehovah give me courage, your ______ is sure
What is Victory
Proverbs 25:11 says "Like _____ of gold in silver carvings is a word spoken at the right time."
What is apples
After the resurrection of Jesus, he ascended from this Mount into the heavens
What is the mount of olives
These are the colors of the four horses mentioned in Revelation chapter 6
What are the White horse, the Fiery Colored horse, the Black horse, and the Pale horse
The Israelites were to inculcate Jehovah's words in their sons' hearts when they walked on the _____
What is road
Stay _____!
Stand _____!
Grow ______!
What is, awake, firm & mighty