Married to a senseless man
who is Abigail
“The war of the great day of God the Almighty”
What is Armageddon?
In what city was a international Convention held in both 1942 and 1975.
In what year did International Bible students become known as Jehovah's Witnesses
What is 1931
Ruler who slaughtered children during Jesus youth
Who is Herod the great?
Who died the year of the flood?
Who is Methuselah
A beautiful park, or parklike garden.
What is paradise?
City where Jehovah confused the languages . And the meaning of the name.
What is the city of Ba'bel or Babylon meaning confusion?
In what year did Brother Russell die?
what is 1916
Town of Jesus Birth
What is Bethlehem?
Youngest, :Son of right hand
Who is Benjamin?
Used in Bible prophecy to refer to the time when historical events would reach a final climax.
What is the last days?
The name of the place where strategic battles are fought
What is megiddo?
In what year were the first volumes of the N.W.T. released?
what is 1950
Foretold ruler who freed Jews in 537 B.C.E.
Who is Cyrus?
What was Mordecai's relationship to Queen Esther?
What is cousin.
A secondary wife
What is a concubine?
The name of the city Melchizedek was king of.
what is Salem?
Location of Watchtower Societies Headquarters until 1909
What is Pittsburgh,Pa
In what year did the MEPS Phototypesetting system go into use ?
What is 1986?
Who was the High Priest who took the lead in killing Jesus?
Who is Joseph Caiapas
The right that naturally belongs to a fathers firstborn
What is Birthright?
The name of the place outside of Jerusalem where Jesus died.
what is Golgotha or skull
Where was a building for worship to Jehovah first called a Kingdom Hall?
What is Hawaii?
Jehovah's four cardinal attributes.
What is power, justice, wisdom, and love?