Noahs 3 boys...wat dea names?
Who is Shem, Ham, Ja'phet?
In dis movie Caleb was so stoked bout his new toy "Sparlock, da warrior wizard"
Wat is Obey Jehovah?
"May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah you alone are the Most High over all the earth."
What is Psalms 83:18
Dis guy wen deny Jesus tree times.
Who Peetah?
Da yeea Satan an his demons wen get hemo from heaven.
1. Wen is 1914?
Noah wen sen dese two diffren kine birds fo see if da watah had go down from da eart.
Wat is one raven and one dove?
Who da litto girl dat Sophia wen kokua fo feel good at school?
Who is Priya?
(Finish dis scripture) "All scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for...
What is teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness." 2 timothy 3:16
Da guy dat wen lissen da litto hebrew girl fo kno how fo hemo da sick
Who Naaman?
Da year us guys wen get da name "Witnesses Fo Jehovah".
1.Wen is 1931?
One towah dat go up to da sky
Wat is da Tower a Babel?
Tree of da white board animations in Hawai'i Pidgin
What is Tink Befoa You Drink, No Let Nobody Pressah You Fo Do Bad Kine Tingz, Wats One Foreal Kine Fren?
Dis guy, he ony go by Jesus night time, cuz he shame da peopo.
Who Nicodemus?
Da tree Bethelz an wat dey do at each one
Wat 1. Warwick NY. World Headquarters - Preaching work.
2. Patterson NY. Teocratic Edumacation, Art, Audio, Vidjos, an Skools.
3. Wallkill NY. Literature, Printing, an Shipping.
All da diffren World Powers, dat Daniel wen tell bout da statue in Nebuchadnezzar dream
Wat is Babylon, Medo-persia, Greece, Rome, Anglo America?
In da Daniel movie, Daniel wen get one Babylon kine name
Who is Belteshazzar?
Da granson of Rut an Boaz, an fadda of one King.
Who Jesse?
Da tree Skools dat get foa da Pioneeaz.
Wat da Pioneer Service skool, Skool foa Kingdom Evangelizahz, an da Watchtowah Bible skool of Gilead.
Da tree ways Satan wen try temp Jesus.
What is (Kau Kau)-turn rocks into bread (Kill Himself)-throw yourself down (Give Him All Da Kingdoms)-ack of worship?
In da Nehemiah movie, Nehemiah wen fine out dat da Jerusalem walls was all buss up. Dis guy da one wen tell him bout um.
Who is Hanani?
The Five Poetic books of the bible.
What is Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon
He was real old, but neva have big head. He could a wen eat wit da ali'i, but neva
Who Barzillai?
All da names a da 8 Governing Body membahz dat stay right now.
Who Braddah Stephen Lett, Braddah Samuel Herd, Braddah David Splane, Braddah Garrett Losch, Braddah Geoffery Jackson, Braddah Anthony Morris, Braddah Mark Sanderson, an Braddah Kenneth Cooke Jr.