I build an Ark. Who am I?
I am Noah
" Where you go, I'll will go and where you spend the night, I will spend the night." Who said this?
It was Ruth
What was the 2 main character in "What is True Love?"
Liz & Megan
What 2 books of the bible are Gospels written by Apostles.
Matthew & John
Name the Title:
"There is joy in your creation, In the message of salvation, and the paradise to come"
Our Joy Eternally
I held up my rod and the red sea parted. Who am I?
I am Moses
"I do not know how to speak, for I am just a boy." Who said this?
It was Jeremiah
In the movie "Walk by Faith Not by Sight", what did Beriah give Rachel to hold on to so she would stay in Jerusalem?
Their father's ring
What book contains the prophecy of the immense image?
It was Daniel
Finish the Lyrics:
"Imagine the time when there's no more pain ___"
"When life's so good and we are young again."
I started off as a Fisher man and became an apostle Who am I?
I am Peter
" If a man dies, can he live again?" Who said this?
It was Job
In the drama "These Words... Must Be on Your Heart", what were the 3 kids names?
Marcus, Rebecca, and Nicholas
How many books of the bible did Moses write?
Moses wrote 6
Finish the Lyrics:
"With eyes of faith I see beyond the darkness..."
"With eyes faith there's nothing more to fear."
I was raise by my mother and Grandmother in the truth. Who am I?
I am Timothy
For it is written: "Man must live, not on bread alone, but on every word that comes from Jehovah's Mouth." who said this?
It was Jesus
In the drama "Remember the Wife of Lot", what did Ricky want to specialize in the congregation?
Sign Language
How many books of the Bible start with the letter "E"?
The number 6
Name the Title:
"Jehovah knows, Jehovah see, He hears my prayers, he's here with me, whatever comes my way..."
I'm Never Alone
I took the Spear and the water Jug of the king but I did not kill him. Who am I?
I am David
" This is my son The beloved whom I have approved."
It was Jehovah
In the drama "Young people Ask - What Will I do With My Life?", what was Andre's inspirational friend's name? (The older brother with a German accent.)
Brother Fleissig
What Bible book was written by a nipper of figs?
Name the Title:
"I'll never give in to taunts or to threats. Enduring in faith, I'll have no regrets."
Never Give Up