Jesus compared the "kingdom of the heavens" to this small seed that grows into a large tree, highlighting the tremendous growth of God's Kingdom in the last days.
mustard grain
(Matt 13:31)
When Jesus' said, "Pay back, therefore, Caesar's things to Caesar", he was referring to the ruler of this nation, who held dominance over Israel in his day.
After running away from his assignment in fear, this prophet of Jehovah was swallowed by a giant fish for 3 days.
Jesus established the Covenant for a Heavenly Kingdom with this group of people, which form the secondary part of the promised 'seed' of Genesis 3:15.
144,000 anointed
This judge is more well known for his daughter's humility, mildness, and courage than for his own military accomplishments.
This parable provides an object lesson on the meaning of true repentance and Jehovah's willingness to forgive in a large way, like a loving father.
the prodigal son
(Luke 15:11-32)
Following a long prison sentence, Joseph was elevated to a powerful ruling position in this nation, before it subjugated his descendants for 215 years.
His name means 'Jehovah is salvation.'
This covenant, given to the nation of Israel, ended on Pentecost 33 C.E. after the death of Jesus Christ and was replaced by the New Covenant
Mosaic Law covenant
Judge Samson was betrayed by this woman, who cut his hair, causing him to lose his divine strength and his favored position with Jehovah as a Nazirite.
When asked for the 'sign of his presence', Jesus used this illustration to explain the separating and judging of the people of the nations when the Son of man arrives in his glory.
the sheep and the goats
(Mt 25:31-46)
This Babylonian king conquered Judah in 607 B.C.E. and was driven mad for 7 years because of his egotism.
After winning his birthright over a bowl of stew, this man wrestled with an angel and later became the father of the 12 tribes of Israel.
A covenant of this type, also sometimes called a promise, means that only one party has responsibilities to fulfill.
This judge is also known by the name Jerubbaal, meaning "Let Baal make a legal defense", after he pulled down an alter of false worship.
Emphasizing the high value of Bible truth, Jesus said the "kingdom of the heavens" is like this precious gem, that a merchant would sell all his belongings to obtain.
a pearl
(Matt 13:45, 46)
This Persian king fulfilled Bible prophecy when he conquered Babylon in one night, after diverting the waters of the Euphrates river.
Anointed by Elisha, this man had the privilege of executing judgment on Ahab's house by slaying his wicked wife Jezebel and annihilating Baal worship. Thereafter, his dynasty ruled over Israel for 114 years.
The covenant for a priest like this man shows that Jesus would be both a king and a priest.
(Ps 110:4)
Judge Shamgar killed 600 Philistines with this farming instrument.
a cattle goad
(Jg 3:31)
In the illustration of the 'neighborly Samaritan', these two people walked by the injured traveler and did not render aid.
a priest and a Levite
(Luke 10:25-37)
Shalmaneser V was the king of this nation, which conquered Israel in 740 B.C.E., leading the northern 10 tribe kingdom into exile.
This courageous woman executed judgment on Jehovah's enemies by driving a tent pin through the temple of the sleeping Canaanite army chief Sisera.
When Abraham crossed the Euphrates river into this land, the covenant that bears his name went into effect in 1943 B.C.E.
Judge Abdon was considerably wealthy and had 30 sons and 40 grandsons who rode on 70 of these animals.
(Jg 12:13-15)