Even though I was held captive, I bodly preached to my captor's wife, eventually healing the King.
Who was the Israelite girl?
What is seven times ?
In this book, the Heavens and Earth are created
What is the book of Genesis
The name of God
What is Jehovah?
You won't find my name in any chapter of the Bible... But you'll find me in evert grocery store you visit.
Who was Lot's wife?
What is Daniel 4:20-21 prophecy?
What is Nebuchadnezzar loses sanity
In this book John sees multiple wild beast - one of the beast has 7 heads
What is the book of Revelation
This man is known as the founder of the organization
Who is Charles Taze Russel
I am the greatest financier in the Bible. I floated my stick while everyone was in liquidation.
Who was Noah?
1 Chronicles 29:23
What Solomon sitting on Jehovah's throne
In this book, it covers 2 years of Jesus' ministry, in which he performed his first miracle. (Turning water to wine)
What is the book of John
This computerized system was developed from 1979-1986 to produce literature is various languages
What is MEPS?
I climbed up a tree to see Jesus speak.
(HINT: Luke 19:4)
Who was Zacchaeus?
Daniel 4:16, 17 prophesy
What is 7 times and dethronement of king Nebuchadnezzar
What is the book of Acts
Derived from the Hebrew mal-'akh and Greek ag'ge-los, in the bible, these messanger beingfs are also referred to as "holy myriads" and "morning stars"
I refused to come when the king wanted to show me off at a feast in front of his drunken guests.
(HINT: Esther 1:11)
Who was Vashti?
What is king Nebuchanezzar restored to throne
This book is a letter written by Paul while he was under house arrest
What is the book of Philippians
I kept him steady and others away. I kept them safe and showed them the way. Once thrown down upon the ground, I came alive with a hissing sound. I hit the rock as he was told, and that was when water flowed.
What was Moses' staff?